Quran Khawani before marriage

Q: Can you please refer any hadith stating that there is no such concept in Islam to hold Quran Khawani before getting married, I need to show it to my in-laws as they want to hold a Quran Khawani before the wedding ceremony, as they say it is better to start it with the name of Allah. I personally do not believe in these things, as I know they have no standing in Sunnah.

Whispers of Shaitaan

Q: There was a time before I knew of whispers of the devil. I should think what if  Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or someone else wants the women that I want or I should not pursue to marry a women because I have great love for her ,she's beautiful, etc and maybe Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)  or someone else wants her. I should also possibly think other stuff in this regard. I may have said stuff in this regard, will I be forgiven for them and are these thoughts whispers of the devil? 


Q: Should I give money to people selling stuff that I don't need to buy without buying anything from them? 

Azaan at the grave side

Q: In a video clip, Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri, soon after burying one of his workers, asks a person to offer adhan (Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Laa Ilaaha illAllahu Allahu Akbar) alongside his grave and then is shown trying to spoon-feed the answers to the three questions that are asked in the grave. Is that act permissible in Shariah?