Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah and Ghair Muqallids

Q: I’m living in Pakistan. I belong to Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (fiqh: Hanafi) Deobandi.

Here I’m putting forward the URL of Darul Uloom Deoband, India (referred above) i.e. http://www.darululoom-deoband.com/

You are requested to please go through the website and I can guess well that you already know it very well. There are further two sects in Deobandis i.e. Hayaati & Mamaati. I don’t know to which sect I belong. Please guide me separately about both of them and also confirm which of them is from Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah​?

I’ve heard that the real Muslims/Mu’mins are Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah​ (4 Fiqhs i.e. Hanafis, Shafi’ees, Malikis, Hambliees) and that all those are not 4 sects but 4 Fiqhs. And all of those are combined one sect. Kindly confirm? Please also confirm that there are the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah​​ in Haramain Shareefain as well.

Here in subcontinent, there rose numerous Fitnahs and one of them are so called Ahlulhadith (Ghair Muqallid). And here in my office one of my colleagues is from them. I’m facing too much offensive attitude from his side, which is in such a way that either you prove yourself ‘Right’ or otherwise become Ghair Muqallid. They say that taqleed is shirk. He downloads many clips from a certain website and offers me to take home for listening. They also claim that Aimmah-e-Ka’abah (Shaikh Abdur Rahmaan As Sudais & Shaikh Ebrahim As Shuraim) are also Ghair Muqallid that is they don’t do Taqleed of any one Imam specifically. Kindly confirm.

They also raise issue of 20 rakaats Taraweeh, which I’ll ask from you later.

I hope you’ve understood this Fitnah very well.

Janaazah related Hadith questions


  1. It is reported that Abu Hurairah (RA) led the prayers of janazah of Aysha and Umme Salamah (RA) in the cemetery of Jannat ul Baqi' and Ibn Umar (RA) was also in the jama'ah. Please give me the reference.
  2. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) informs the sahabah of the shahadah of the 3 sahabah (warriors) in the battle of mutah, it is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari. Please give me the page number.
  3. Mawlana zakariyyah (RA) brought a Hadith in the second page of kitabul jana-in in his Awjazul Masalik (second volume) about the six rights of a muslim to another muslim and one of them is when he passes away give him ghusl. Please give me the reference from the books of Hadith.


Q: Please help me try to understand a dream I've had. I dreamed that my daughter was sitting and studying at my diningroom table when a young, handsome boy comes into the house to ask her hand in marriage. She declines. The boy seems so upset and expresses his anger in a respectful manner. As he walks down the road, I am entering the road to which he stops me and explains to me his distress and anger about my daughter rejecting his proposal. He explains that she has done it before and that he thinks she likes the taller guy better. I'm confused about his statement. A beautiful young woman walks past us and he says that that girl likes him but he likes my daughter. I also notice the beautiful scenery as we stand there. Beautiful trees and green surroundings. Do you have a possible interpretation for me? 

Aqeeqah meat

Q: Can Mufti Saheb please explain the sunnat of serving the Aqeeah meat. It has become quite common to have Aqeeqah braais and meals. Is it a Sunnat to do this? If not, is it something we should avoid? What is the actual Sunnah regarding Aqeeqah?

Islamic Online University which is run by Dr Bilal Philips

Q: I am a home schooling mother who really wants to learn as much as she can about Islam but due to my commitments I am not able to leave home to attend any lessons. I have recently come to know of a website called Islamic Online University which is run by Dr Bilal Philips which offers a range of Islamic courses. I would like to know if it will be permissible for me to study this way and through this institute as I am very worried about their aqeeda and if I will be learning the correct Islamic beliefs that I should have.