Washing machine

Q: I had a bunch of shoes that I needed to wash, leather running shoes and other shoes. One of my shoes had pee drops on it. I put the shoes into a washing machine with soap and then after the first washing was done, I did another wash in the same machine with soap. I was going to do a third but I didn't because I thought it was clean. Do you have do wash things that are najis in the washing machine by entering money on three different cycles, or is the one time with money enough for the clothes to be clean?

Wearing a turban

Q: In the Ahaadith what are the virtues mentioned with regards to wearing a turban? Was it a perpetual Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Will a person get seventy times more reward if he performs salaah with a turban?

Performing Salaah behind the Imaams of the Haram

Q: I visited a certain website, according to them hanafis can't pray behind Imams of the haramain if they don't take care of the masaail in wudu as hanafis do i.e they should do masah of head to more than quarter of the head, if they don't do we can't pray behind them. I think this is not good, at the time of Sahaba there would not have been such an issue as to not offer salah behind any specific sahabi. Please clarify.

Proofs from the Ahaadith with regard to the qamees


  1. The qamees for the mayyit, please give me the proofs for it. It is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari that there was no qamees in the kafan for Nabi Kareem (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
  2. Abdullah ibn Umar once saw a shelter on a grave, and ordered it to remove it. He said that it is the good deeds of the person who put him away. (Saheeh Bukhari). Give me the page number. Please give me the references.

Who does Amir and Ulul Amr refer to

Q: I would like to know who does amir and ulul amr refer to in Quran and Ahaadith? Does it refer to amirul mumineen? If yes, then in our time upon whom will the title amir fit? Or can it refer to the principal of a madrasah, the teacher of a class, the sheikh of a khanqah, the leader of a tabligh jamaat, the leader of a jihad campaign etc.?