Settling one's debts

Q: My father had been for Hajj over 10 years ago. At the time he had a very close friend who he had owed some money to. Before going for hajj, he went to his friend to pay off whatever money he owed him but his friend refused, saying go and enjoy your hajj, and being friends, he kept saying don't worry bout all of that now. So my dad went for his hajj, when he got back, a short time later, his friend past away in a car accident. My father is now older and is not working anymore due to his health , but because his friend never directly say don't pay me, its been worrying my father and so he decided to save up the money that he would have had to pay his friend and give it to his friend's son, who has no knowledge of this. After many months of saving, as he is now unemployed, he managed to save the money and was going to get the money sent to the son via a mutual friend within the week. Then within the weekend his house was burgled and the safe was stolen with the money in it. Does my father still have to save again and pay the money?

Who is responsible for the division of the estate

Q: My father died leaving behind my mother, 5 daughters, 2 brothers, 2 sisters. According to sharia after deducting the burial expenses, debts and one third of the estate for bequests, the estate will be divided into 720 shares and will be distributed as follows: The wife will receive 90 shares, each daughter will receive 96 shares, each brother will receive 50 shares, and each sister will receive 25 shares.

One of the sisters died after my father’s death.

One of my uncle (father’s brother) and one sister denied taking any share.

Children of one sister who died after my father’s death are also denying taking their mother’s share.

  1. What should be done?
  2. Who is responsible for the division of my fathers estate?

Who has the right to perform the Salaah


  1. List the circumstances under which an Imam who is the most knowledgeable may in his own presence permit a man of lesser knowlege to be Imam for that Salaah; meaning that how is it possible for an Aalim to permit a hafiz to be Imam when the more knowledgeable person has the responsibility by virtue of his greater knowledge to correctly be the appropriate Imam?
  2. Does the Imaamat of the unappointed Imaam, despite it being out of place, does the Salaah of such an Imaam and that of those musallees following such an unappointed Imaam, become an invalid or null and void Salaah?