Zawaal time

Q: What is zawal time? How much time before zohar Salaah does it start? Is there any zawal time before maghrib? If someone is reading/reciting Quran Sharif and zawal time commences, does he have to stop reading?

Reciting Ameen softly

Q: I want to know about the saying of ameen in low tone according to Imam abu hanifa as it is contrary to the practice of the Sahaba. Please elaborate. I also know that ameen is a dua and according to quran dua should be said in a low tone but why should we do it when no Sahabi has done it?

Husband and wife spending time together during haidh


  1. Unknowingly about menstrual, wife & husband spend time together. What does she have to do?
  2. Is it ok for her to make ghusul or she must make ghusul?
  3. In her menstrual cycle time or days she  has to walk through the Musjid a little through the mens section & she has to walk in the middle of the ladies main section to get to the school where she teaches. What can she do about this?


Q: I read in a kitaab that cobwebs breed poverty. I have since lost the kitaab in a fire at home and cannot remember the name of the kitaab. I want to know if this is true. Many friends and relatives of ours have cobwebs in their homes and businesses and don't remove them as per the story of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

The word "Firqatin" in Surah Tawbah

Q: I would like to know how to read the word "Firqatin" in Surah Tawbah (9:122). Is the Raa read full mouth or empty mouth and is there other ways of reciting it in the other Turuq of Hafs? I've heard the word being recited by many Qurraa' (Shaykh Mahmood Khaleel Al-Husary, Shaykh Muhammad Siddeeq  Al-Minshawi, and Shaykh Mishaary Raashid Al-Afaasy) with full mouth. And recited with empty mouth by other Qurraa' (Shaykh Sa'ad Al Ghaamidi, Shaykh Haani Rifaa'i, Shaykh Shuraim, and Shaykh Ali Jaabir) Why is this? Can you please explain.