Purda from foster relations

Q: I have been adopted by my Paternal Uncle (fathers brother) due to him not having any children. My Uncles wife did breastfeed me, making her my Foster Mum. My Question is regarding parda with the following people, and making Salaam and shaking hands with them. Are the following Males, Mahram to me:

  1. My Foster Nana (foster mums father)?
  2. My Foster Nana's Brothers?

And is Parda required between my Husband and the following females:

  1. My Foster Mum?
  2. My Foster Nani (foster mums mother)?

*** Both of my Biological Parents are still alive ***

From what I understand, that all relations that are Haraam through Blood are all Haraam through Breastfeeding also. Please shed light on the above Laws, and if any other rules are to be known, please inform me.

Husband making demands that are not part of the duties of marriage

Q: A young girl has married over a year ago into a united family of five members comprising of her husband, his father, mother, younger brother (unmarried) and younger sister (already married). The husband’s demand over his wife is that she become part of and fully blend with his family in order to make him happy. His demand is that he will and can only be happy with her if his family is happy with her. The wife, whilst making some attempts to do so, has been having difficulty with and also occasionally unwilling to agree fully to keeping to the terms of his demand while also having to take care of a six month old baby.

Can this demand of the husband upon his wife be an acceptable and justifiable cause for his marriage to weaken or break up as he has threatened to do so on occasions?

Nikaah without witnesses

Q: I am writing this email because someone known to me is facing a strange situation and have insisted me to ask you this question. He is already married but have contracted nikah with someone else as well. However, when he committed the second lady about nikah, there wasn't any witness to that. Soon after that promise (or whatever you call it) the lady called her father and told about it. Father called the person and showed his agreement to her daughter's decision. Then they publicized this agreement to their family members. The first wife of the person called the lady and discussed various matters about her husband's marriage with the lady. Subsequently, the first wife announced that in their family. everyone accepted this decision. However, till date no formal document has been signed.

Now a million dollar question is about validity of this nikah. Please comment in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Witnesses for the nikaah

Q: My father in law asked his daughter in front of myself and my two uncles whether she agreed to marry my brother. She allegedly replied 'yes.' My wife seen her sister nod her approval. My two uncles both heard the reply but I neither heard the question nor the reply because it was done in such a soft tone. Subsequently, in my presence and my brother in laws presence she was asked again to clarify. This time I heard the reply. My question is that tomorrow at the Musjid my uncle and I are witnesses to this marriage on the documentation that the girl signed. My uncle and I will also have to sign the same or another document.

  1. Will the marriage be valid based on the fact that, when asked by the Imam, both witnesses on the documentation, my uncle and I did not both hear the girl say yes at the same time, i.e. I heard her say yes about half hour later, when the girl was asked again.
  2. Is it permissible for me to sign the document saying I was a witness and say so when asked by the imam.

Pocket money for the wife

Q: I just want to ask a question about the money for a wife. I am pregnant my husband fulfills my all needs, but he does not give me pocket money as I need it for myself. e.g for my parents. My husband can afford it. Should he give me money or not?

Marrying within close family

Q: I read a Hadith which says,” The prophet (peace be upon him) once told one of his companions to choose a wife from a tribe different to his, and then to choose for his son a wife from a third tribe and to seek for his second son a girl from yet another tribe”. My question is, is this Hadith authentic? If so then it means that marriages should not be done within close family as cousins etc. I appreciate if you please comment.