Irregular discharge

Q: I had got my haiz on friday morning, then for the next +/- 32 hours I only had normal discharge not haiz. Then again it showed blood and thereafter only normal dicharge. Do I consider this as haiz or do I read my salaah? 


Q: I have a question about ruqyahs. My mom she like ask sheikhs what should I recite for a ruqyah. Sometimes she gets a ruqyah but as I know ruqyah is spiritual healing for diseases. So Some people do ruqyahs so that their kids behave well like my mom does for me and my brother. So can you give me proof if this is not permissible to tell my mom?

Marrying a person with a Muslim name

Q: At work we have a muslim male who has been having relations with a non muslim female.we are not certain if she is a muslim ot not.the woman in this question was born and raised as a hindu. However 10 years ago when she started working for us she told us to call her by a muslim name.we want them to get married as both are elderly and we would like to see our muslim brother stop being so sinful.the woman still practises some hindu customs. Will this marriage to her be valid?

Christian healers

Q: I'm not sure if you are aware of the recent epidemic of christian healers that's infecting our community like the plague. Christians seem to use the possibility of their mislead leaders healing people, claiming to be annointed by god(though they haven't a clue about who or what god is), as a defence to our statements about the authenticity of Islam and the quran. My question is what should our answer be when they challenge us boasting the capability of their leaders? How is it possible that their leaders do such things? What does the Quran say about this?