
Q: We a family of 7 sold some land in India.We were given part of the money 700,000 equally which we divided in 100,000 each. We have now discovered that to make things easy for him the agent did not disclose to us that the land not only belonged to my father but it belonged to my fathers sisters as well, we have alhamdullilah now decided to distribute the sale of the land according to shariah. Some of my siblings have already spent the monies as approximately 2 years have passed since they were given the monies they have agreed to pay off the monies that they received by saying that they can only afford R1000 a month. Is this all right?


Q: Please could you inform me what is the ruling on vehicle and property insurance with takaful? I am aware that conventional insurance is not allowed, but is it allowed if taken out with takaful? And if not are there any halaal insurance options available?

Azl and the use of contraceptives

Q: I am revert to this truth, this precious deen of islam for abouth 3 years. Alhamdulila I have a come a long way from the time that I first accepted Islam to now. All PRAISE TO ALLAH TA'ALA. My question is I am married for 1 year now to a woman who comes from a not vey deeni background ,but rather a family were secular education was made and is insisted to be the utmost important thing to go anywhere in this world, or rather for success and to me that is totaly the opposite as success lies in deen, Alhamdulillah I am an engineer but waalahi I will choose to have rather studied my deen any day if I embraced Islam earlier, over any profession, and hence the her knowledge of deen an education is limited. For the past year in our relations we have most of the time use reversible contraceptives such as condoms due to the fact that she is to "afraid" of falling pregnant as it will interrupt her plans in attaining her 2nd degree. However recently in many kithaabs and bayaans ive recently learnt that the correct/condoned method is rather "azl" and that we should only use reversable contraceptives when the extreme necessity arises. Now I have tried to explain this to her, but obviously she didn't accept fully what i said, so now I am in the situation where I cant enjoy my wife without this contraceptive or if she decides not to use it, the intimate relation that we share becomes a mere in-actment whereby now we loose the enjoyment but rather focus on the moment of azl. I have never been this way but the more I learn the more I make effort to instill the teachings into my life, but i am afraid that at the cost of pleasing my wife I will be loosing yakeen in Allah Ta'ala or vice versa at my duty of pleasing Allah Ta'ala, I will be loosing my wife who I love deeply. Please advise and keep me in your duas.

Using Credit Cards

Q: Is it permissible to use a credit card if one ensures that the balance is always positive and never goes into credit? Also, interest is paid to the cardholder because the account has money in it, but every month the amount is reversed when requested.