Gargling the mouth and cleaning the nose while fasting


  1. A person begins fasting in the state of janaabat. Regarding ghusl in this state, is the ghusl valid if the water does not reach the inside of the throat or the inside of the nose (i.e. these actions cannot be exaggerated out of fear of the fast breaking)? Will the ghusl be valid if the water did not reach deep into these areas? Or would the person make ghusl washing the nose and mouth as in wudhu and upon breaking the fast would the person then gargle the throat and wash the inside of the nose properly?
  2. A person forgets that they are fasting, and thus gargles and washes the nose intensely so that water is accidentally swallowed. Is the fast broken, bearing in mind that the person forgot that s/he was fasting?

Qadha Salaah after fajr and after asr


  1. Can Qadha salaah (esp. Qadha Umri) be performed after the fardh of fajr and asr? If so then what salaah are not permitted at that time?
  2. On safar, a person does not perform a salaah e.g. asr. On returning home from the journey, does one perform qasr (i.e. 2 rakaats qadah) or 4 rakaats of qadah?
  3. Likewise, if a person omits a salaah e.g. asr in his hometown, whilst on safar does the person perform 4 rakaats of qadah or 2  rakaats of qadah for the salaah missed whilst still at home?


Q: The process adopted in live video streaming is no different to any other conventional picture. The only difference is that it is being captured and reproduced in such quick succession through modern day technology that one feels that one is watching it as it's happening, whereas this is not the case..... This was part or your response to a question. The thought just passed through my head what about cctv cameras? In the office, shop and home? Is it jaiz to have it?

Maaul musta'mal


  1. What is the ruling with regards to water in a bath tub. The moment one steps into a bath tub, is the water considered as maaul musta'mal, thus ghusl will not be valid with such water! Is this correct? 
  2. Is it true that water should not be able to seep through ones mozas? Is it correct?
  3. What is maaul musta'mal?

I would appreciate 5 references to each answer.

A lady who has a habit of bleeding for 7 days, bleeds for 12 days

Q: I would like to clarify whether the following mas’alah is correct: 

If a particular woman has a haidh habit of 7 days and 3 days after the expected date of her haidh she began bleeding and she bled until the end of the 12 days then in this case 4 days will be regarded as haidh and the remainder as istihaadha. Thus from the following month her new habit will be 4 days. For example a woman has a habit of bleeding from the 1st to the 7th of every month. During a particular month she bled from the 4th until the 15th. Thus the first 4 days i.e. from the 4th to the 7th, will be regarded as haidh and the remainder will be istihaadha. Thus qadha will be necessary for the days of istihaadha.