
Q: Is the following regarded as the person being dishonest?

Eg, person A asks person B about a certain event that had taken place during the weekend.. Now, person A knows that it had happened, and many other people know that that event took place and they also know that person B witnessed the event that took place, yet, when person B was asked if he was aware of knowing, his answer was ' I don't know, yes I was at that particular place at that time but I don't know if that event took place' ......the best part is that later on, person B admitted that he witnessed the event, yet, he argues that by him saying 'I don't know' doesn't mean that he was lying in the least bit... Mufti, was he lying when he was initially asked??

And also he comes up with a weird excuse that he knew person A was aware of the event etc, that's why he said he didn't know?? Yes, as childish as it seems, that's what he said.....

Heavily in debt

Q: I am heavily indebted with loans from banks. I am trying to settle them all but lately I have other financial problems that keep rising making the burden heavier. I know all of the difficulties are my fault interest = declaring war with Allah I would like to know what I can do to make maaf to Allah at the same time paying off my debts, and my wife doesn’t know how deep in trouble I am as I am afraid if I tell her she might leave me.

Accepting payment from financial institutions

Q: We have a company selling computers with Muslim and non-Muslim customers.

Some customers require financing/loans (which comes with interest) through third party financing institutions to buy the equipment from us.

Firstly, is it permissible for us to accept the payment from the financial institution on their behalf? We are not engaging in interest but we have to be registered as an authorized supplier with the institution.

Secondly, as some Muslims also tend to go through the same system, we want to provide an in-house interest-free financing facility for our Muslim customers only so that they do not have to pay interest and get a short-term facility on their purchase from us. Can we make the credit price higher than the cash price? For example, if R100 is the cash price, can we charge R125 for credit term over 6 monthly instalments?

Blowing in water

Q: Whenever I recite holy quran, I blow breath on drinking water, on my husband and children. I have noticed this whenever I do dum, in those days my husband become ill, restless, feeling body ache and his sleep become disturbed. When I stop reciting Quran, he is feeling good in those days. I don’t know why?

Travelling without a mahram

Q: Is it ok to let my wife accompanied by my three sons, the oldest age is 5 years old, to take taxi as transport to some places where it's quite far and there is a need to go there. The issue is because the driver is non mahram male and I can't accompany my wife because I'm working in the office in the daytime. She can use public buses but a little bit troublesome because she has to take care of the baby trolley and sometimes no seat available?