Siblings denying their sister her right in land that was gifted to them

Q: We are 1 sister and 3 brothers. My youngest brother I and are Indian and the other 2 are Malaysian. My Mother is Malaysian and the owner of 20 acres agricultural land. During her lifetime she announced Hiba for an equal distribution of the land under which she gave 5 acres to my middle brother due to his financial condition. I being an Indian was constantly using my share of profit along with my mother as her sons never took up her responsibility except for food and lodging. Now she is suffering from dementia but still remembers her hiba for her 3 children. 

Question 1- if a child is in a foreign country then how would she fulfill the requirement of Malikana Haq as I too am not financially strong to travel internationally often? 

Question 2- there are witnesses for the verbal hiba. 

Q3- in one of my recent trips in 2022 in front of my mom I verbally took possession of my land and wanted to utilize the profit till I could sell it, but my Malaysian brothers refused to do so. Both of them has taken their share under hiba and supporting the Indian brother and denying my right on the pretext that I don’t have the Milkana Haq- Total Possession of land. 

Question- How would it be established that I too have the right to 5 acres land as for the past 10 years my mom and I have been using the profit by mutual understanding?

Adding a "christmas" tag to an online product so it appears easily in searches to attracts sales

Q: I have a start up that will sell products online in the U.S. I have made small 3d printed stars for use as fridge magnets, but they also can be hanged as a decoration. It is Christmas time in the U.S. and a lot of decoration sales are made during this time. 

I have not made a product specifically for Christmas, but my product may be used as a decoration on x-mass trees. I can make a product listing on my online store and add "tags" that help customers find my product. Is it okay for me to add a "christmas" tag to my product, so that it appears easily in searches and attracts sales?

Options to sell an item that one does not have stock of

Q: I am selling physical products on an online website. I had one product in stock, but got two orders for that product. Now, I have two options: 

1. Manufacture the extra product to fulfill both my customers orders. 

2. Buy the extra product from elsewhere and then get it shipped to my customer. 

Are these options halaal? I know that dropshipping is not allowed Islamically as the seller does not own the product at the time of the sale, that is why I want clarification.

Permanently residing in one country and travelling to one's home country

Q: I permanently work and reside in Sydney, Australia with family while not owning any property here. My parents live in Lahore, Pakistan in a house under their ownership whereas I own a residential plot in Islamabad, Pakistan. 

I'd like to know if I am travelling and staying at any of the above three locations under 14 days, where should I offer full prayers and where would qasr prayer be required?

Shooting paintballs that have pig gelatine and performing salaah with paintball stains on one's clothing


1. Is it permissible to shoot paintballs, now that there is evidence to show that the paintballs are made from swine?
Will the masala differ according to how much of pig gelatine is used in the paintball? 

2. Can a person perform salaah if he has these paintball stains on his clothes?