Qadha Salaah

Q: What is the ruling of Qadha salah? Is there any authentic ahadith regarding this? Is Qadha for those who missed salah intentionally or repentance is enough. In India we make up our salah in all cases whether it is intentionally or any other way, if we miss we make the salah. I saw a saying if Ibn  Taimaiyyah : Volume 2, Page 99a: In law, there is no way for one who leaves a salah intentionally to make its qada' 

Working in Ladysmith, living in PMB and staying in Durban in the weekends

Q: I live in PMB. I am currently on audit at Laysmith, and spend Monday to Friday in Ladysmith. I do not go home (PMB) during weekends, but go to a house in Durban. I intend continuing like this for the next month or two. The distance from my home to the Durban house is about 80KM, but from boundary to boundary would probably be less than 77Km. From PMB to Ladysmith is about 170KM.

During the weekends, whilst returning from Ladysmith, I bypass my home in PMB. I sometimes stop here temporarily; to collect items, visit my parents, drop off stuff etc, or even for Namaaz; and then proceed to Durban.

Am I a Musafir in:

  • Durban,
  • Ladysmith, and
  • Pietermaritzburg.

Salaah time expiring while one is performing Salaah

Q: It read if one one makes a niyyah ''to pray the fard of the current time'' and the time ends during the performance of salaah, and one does not know this then the salaah is not sahih. But when one knows the time ended during performance then the salaah is sahih. True? But if one had make niyyah ''to pray the fard of Dhuhr of today'' then salaah is sahih if during performance another prayer time enters. True?