Paying for the missed Salaah of the deceased

Q: My mum passed away a month ago and someone told me that we need to pay for any Salaah that she might have missed.  She was very regular with her Salaah, however, in the last few weeks before she passed away she became very ill and wasn’t able to perform her Salaah.  I’ve been told that we need to pay R10.00 for every Salaah missed.  Please would you advise whether this is correct and also how should this be paid, i.e. is it Lillah, Sadaka, etc. and which organization would be the best to pay it to or can we give it to someone who is poor.

Praying when one has an urge to urinate

Q: Exactly when is it makruh to pray when having a urge to urinate? Is this only when one is realy about to urinate such that he is realy pressing himself to hold ? Sometimes I take wudhu and after a while I get a feeling of having little pressure, but I can feel myself freely without pressing to hold myself.

Can you tell me from which point the urge/pressure does become makruh?

Making sounds in Salaah

Q: I have OCD therefore in salaah I try to keep silent but as I try to do so it counter attacks me (the opposite occurs), thus by force I make a small sound or a small sound which can be the result speech, thus I should repeat my salaah until I feel I havent made a sound or speech, but lately I said enough is enoug this can be something like wasaawis which I also have a problem with thus weather I make a small sound or speech I regard my salaah as valid, please what should I do?

The person that is most capable should lead the Salaah

Q: Narrated Abu Huraira (raziallahuanhu): Allah's Apostle (sallalahualaywasallam) said, "If the Imam leads the prayer correctly then he and you will receive the rewards but if he makes a mistake (in the prayer) then you will receive the reward for the prayer and the sin will be his. [Volume 1, Book 11, Number 663: Bukhaari]

Respected Scholars,

I am in Nigeria of an Indian origin and where I stay we have an small Masjid over there for daily prayer except Juma salah. Most of the time Imam travel as he is not the permanent Imam of the masjid, so in his absence, people always request me to lead the salah. I found myself not very good to recite Qur'an with Tajweed. Based on the above hadith I am scared that am I doing correct or not.

My intention to lead the salah is to establish deen and the commandment of Allah swt at my level best.