Q: The issue of Congregational Dua after the compulsory prayers has become an issue of great conflicts in the recent past. We have found that some senior Scholars also opine that this dua is an innovation
http://www.al-inaam.com/Books/dua_after_salah.pdf (I beleive Mufti E Desai is a senior South African Scholar)
I would appreciate if Mufti Saheb can please respond to the following:
1) Are the above mentioned Fatawa correct? If not, can Mufti Saheb please respond to their arguments.
2) Is there any clear hadith which shows that Nabi (Sall Allahu alayhi wassallam) and Sahabah or anyone in the Khair al quroon used to supplicate in this manner?
3) Since we are muqallids, is there any mention in the classical Hanafi works (books between 150 A.H to 1250 A.H; before the Ulama of Deoband) concerning CONGREGATIONAL dua after Salaah?
4) There are numerous harms which comes about because of the congregational supplication. Amongst others are:
- It disturbs latecomers
- It has become a mere ritual
- People are totally unmindful of authentic Adhkaar which are recorded in the Saheeh sittah
- People confine themselves to the dua of the Imam
- People began regarding it as compulsory. The proof of this is the numerous critisms on those Imam who omitted it in a few places
- Many do not even understand the meaning, hence, one will find them looking around etc.
- Based on these, can we apply the principle that ? Averting harm is better than attaining benefit?
Can Mufti Saheb please respond to the above questions for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and the benefit of the Muslim public. May Allah Ta'ala reward Mufti Saheb.