I received the following on BBM

Q: I got this on bbm:

One day, Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saw a bee and asked it how honey is made. The bee replied that they go out to gardens and collect pollen and nectar from the flowers in their mouths, and then fly back to the hive and release it, and that makes honey.

Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then said to the bee, “But the nectars have different tastes… some are bitter and others can be sour. But how do these become sweet?”

The bee replied, “Allah has taught us to recite ṣalawaat upon you after we collect the nectar, until we reach our hive. The sweetness of the honey is the blessing of the ṣalawaat we recite upon you that turns something so bitter into such sweetness.” That's the greatness of our Beloved Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Validity of a Hadith

Q: I want to know the validity of the below hadeeth I found in the following site: 

Powerful and Virtuous Dua for every need (Must read)

Source: http://islamicexorcism.wordpress.com...hamd-e-illahi/

In the book “Key to the Garden of Bliss (Jannat Ki Kunji)” Sahban ul Hind, Hazrat Maulana Ahmed Saeed Dehlwi RA, has quoted the following hadith:

Hazrat Abduallah bin Umar [RA] says, that the Prophet [SAW] has said: Whatever a man asks Allah on reciting the following will be given, one thousand virtues are written in his record and he is advanced one thousand stages, while Allah appoints 70,000 angels for him to pray for his forgiveness till the Day of Judgment. The phrases are: 

Alhamdu Lil-la-hil-lazi Tawa-zoa’a Kul-lu-shai-in Bi Az-matihi Wal Hamdu Lil-la-hil-lazi Zal-la Kul-lo-shai-in Li-Iz-zatihi Wal Hamdu Lil-la-hil-lazi Kha-zoa’a Kul-lo-shai-il Li Mul-kehee Wal Hamdu Lil-la-hil-lazi Is-tas-la-ma Kul-lo-shai-il Li-Qud-ra-tihi 

[All Praise is due to Allah, before Whose Grandeur every thing is humbled and All Praise is due to Allah, before Whose Greatness every thing is subdued and All Praise is due to Allah, before Whose Dominion every thing is abased and All Praise is due to Allah, before Whose Strength every thing surrenders] [Hadith Book: Al-Mu’jamul Kabir by Tabrani]

Broiler Chicken

Q: Through reliable sources I have come to know that broiler chicken is a cross breed of pig and hen. There are certain similarities in both of these like their meat is soft, both have common disease like swine flu and bird flu. Please let me known according to shariah is broiler chicken halal or haram?

Offering Salaah with Jamaat

Q: In the area which I live in is a Barelwee Musjid. I read most of my salah in this Musjid. For Fajr Salah the Muazzin, who is a Shafi'ee, performs the Salah. The thing is that the trustees don't allow him to read Qunoote Naazila because they are Hanafee so he is forced to leave it out. I heard that Qunoote Naazila is like wajib for Shafees. I feel that the Salah is deficient so I read Fajr at home. Will it be better for me to read Fajr in this Musjid or should I continue to read it at home? 

Walking in front of a person who is performing Salaah


  1. There is a narration which gives severe warnings for those who walk in front of a person who is performing salaah. If there is a person praying in the main prayer hall of the musjid, how far in front of him should we pass and be not considered to have walked in front of the person performing  salaah as mentioned in the narration?
  2. If I perform sunnah salaah in the musjid and after I finish, I find someone also performing salaah exactly behind me, whether it's one row or several rows behind, should I wait till he finishes then get up to leave, or I can just immediately get up and whether this is considered as walking in front of people performing salaah?

Imaamat of a person who cuts of ties with people

Q: I live in New Zealand and know that Qata Rahmee for the sake of Dunya is becoming common. I have seen that Imam of our masjid is good at Qata Rahmee. He has not spoken to many for months and years. This grieves me too much as he is not a common person. His place is much higher than a person like me but such act and that is only for petty things (Dunyawi matters) create bad impression. I need your help to know that the Namaz and the imamat of such Maulana is kamil or unacceptable especially since he is a person who knows all that?

Salaat with jamaat

Q: I would like to know what is the shari implication on not performing salaat with jamaat. I noticed that many men who are fit and able do not make any attempt to come to the musjid for salaat with jamaat. Some even live within walking distance to the musjid. Also what I find very strange they are regular with work and other sporting activities.