Selling an item without taking possession of it

Q: my friend wants to help me out financially. Therefore, he has decided that I should organize for him prospective buyers, he will sell to them and deliver to them but the invoice will be made out to me,they must pay me, I must take out my profit and then pay him the remainder, he will just take the cost price for it. In this whole process I will not take delivery of the goods at all. how do I overcome this as i have no time to take delivery of the goods first? is it possible that for example, I give this friend of mine R50 and tell him that now we are partners in the business and for for every transaction we will discuss how much we both should receive,even though i just gave R50 but maybe I will end up getting more than him since he will only take cost price or slightly above cost price. if i am his partner, even though a silent partner,then taking qabza is not necessary for me as he as my partner is selling the goods so it’s as if i am selling the goods. will this be permissible? 

Lying in order to get an overdraft facility

Q: I have been dealing and negotiating with the banks and got a credit line (overdraft facility) approved for the company. To get this done I had told many lies to the bank (projections of business). I know that this was wrong and made tawbah to Allah Ta'ala. My question is that the facility comes with an interest cost. Since I had negotiated this with the bank by giving them false information/lies, etc., should I inform the bank about my mistakes? Or is it sufficient to only make tawbah?

The method of structuring a partnership when some partners do not have wealth

Q: A business plan has been drawn up for a company wherein there are two partners sharing 50 percent each but they have no capital to start. A third party is keen on investing 100 percent of the capital into the business and he also understands that all the risks are borne by him alone. The two partners will be running the business and attending to the day to day activities of the business while the investor will merely advise and assist with decisions and the future planning of the business.

1. Can you explain the Shari’ah compliant way to structure this partnership?

2. How should the drawings of the three partners be structured?

3. The investor will invest for a short-term period of three years. At the termination of the period, what will be the correct way of settling?

Claiming chronic medication from the medical aids but supplying patients with other medication

Q: I have been working part-time at a pharmacy. The pharmacist (owner) and staff of the pharmacy are claiming chronic medicines and self-medication from the medical aids for the patients but are supplying the patients with other medicines that are not paid for by medical aids. Is this practice permissible?