Waajib duration for jalsah in Salaah
Q: How long is it waajib for jalsah in salaah?
Q: How long is it waajib for jalsah in salaah?
Q: In salaah after ruku while standing when one is reading rabana walakal hamd. Is salaah valid if most of rabana walakal hamd was read standing and maybe a little while moving down? If not and one just bent his knees a bit and moved his hands forward, then is it valid?
Q: What is the status of taraaweeh salaah that is performed in the month of Ramadhaan?
Q: When I came late for salaah and had to complete missed rakaats I read durood-e-ibrahim and dua. Does this make sajdah sawhu waajib? If yes and previously I should do this out of ignorance and cannot not remember how many times are done it what should I do?
Q: Which sunnat salaah if left out will it be sinful?
Q: If one has a habit of forgetting multiple things in a Salaah such as number of rakat, number of sajda, first tashahud and so forth, how that person would perform his salah?
Q: If we wipe our feet with wet hands and don’t actually wash them would it be sufficient to discharge the fard.
Q: Is following the sequence is also a Fard in performing Wudu?
Q: If one has to recite only one Ayah in a rakat of a Salah how long it should be?