Brief story of the Prophet Zul Kifl
Q: What is the brief story of the Prophet Zul Kifl?
Q: What is the brief story of the Prophet Zul Kifl?
Q: When we recite duas such as dua when it's raining (allahumma sayyibann nâfi'â, thrice); dua before and after going to toilets; dua when we are travelling; duas for sehri and iftaar, etc. Is it compulsory to recite durud shareef before and after?
Q: I'd like to know if it is allowed to ask dua with Allah Taala for a non-muslim who is in difficulty.
Q: Can you tell me a virtuous durood with its benefits?
Q: Can you tell me the dua that the boy in surah burooj read?
Q: Can you give me a word for word translation for this durood:
Allahhumma salli `ala muhammad wa `ala aalihee wa ashaabihee wa owlaadihee wa zurriyatihee wa ahli baytihee wa ashaarihee wa ansaarihee wa ashyaa`ihee wa muhibeehi wa ummatihi wa `alayna ma`a hum ajma`een ya arhumar raahimeen.
Q: Many are of the view that the congregational du'a after fardh salaah is not an established practise. Is there any Ahadeeth e.t.c indicating that it was the practice of Rasulullah (S.A.W) or the sahabah i.e. congregational du'a after fardh salaah? Is it sunnah? If it is, how and what is the sunnah method of carrying out this ibadah?
Q: Can you give me word for word translation of this wazeefa it is: tawwakaltu ala lhayyil lazee la yamoot alhumdulillahil lazee lam yathakiz walada walum yakulahu shareekun fil mulk wa lum yakulahu waleeyum minazul wa kabbir hu thakbeera. I dont know if its thakbeera or thadbeerah.
Q: My son is a final year kitaab student at a Darul uloom. During the breaks he is given the opportunity to make imaamat at our local Musallah. He does not make a loud duaa after the farad salaah as he is taught at his Darul uloom. He was reprimanded recently by one of the senior aalims for not making a loud duaa. What is the ruling on the making of loud duaa. Is this a bidah practice or is it permissible at times?
Q: The issue of Congregational Dua after the compulsory prayers has become an issue of great conflicts in the recent past. We have found that some senior Scholars also opine that this dua is an innovation (I beleive Mufti E Desai is a senior South African Scholar)
I would appreciate if Mufti Saheb can please respond to the following:
1) Are the above mentioned Fatawa correct? If not, can Mufti Saheb please respond to their arguments.
2) Is there any clear hadith which shows that Nabi (Sall Allahu alayhi wassallam) and Sahabah or anyone in the Khair al quroon used to supplicate in this manner?
3) Since we are muqallids, is there any mention in the classical Hanafi works (books between 150 A.H to 1250 A.H; before the Ulama of Deoband) concerning CONGREGATIONAL dua after Salaah?
4) There are numerous harms which comes about because of the congregational supplication. Amongst others are:
Can Mufti Saheb please respond to the above questions for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and the benefit of the Muslim public. May Allah Ta'ala reward Mufti Saheb.