Can a person making signs lead the Salaah
Q: Can a person making ruku and sajda follow an Imam making salah with signs in a nafl salah?
Q: Can a person making ruku and sajda follow an Imam making salah with signs in a nafl salah?
Q: Can a man give three talaaqs at once over the phone?
Q: I work in a construction site and almost everyday I need to give report to client about the activities going on on site, for this report client require me to take photos of the activities. In the site activities, there will be worker who doing their work so if I take photos obviously it will take the picture of the worker also. The intention is to take the pictures of the situation on site and the focus is not on the worker. So is it still not permissible to take this kind of photos since inevitably photos of human will be taken as well? How about take the photo in such a way that only the backs of the workers and seen, or take the picture of the worker is small enough that you cant see their eyes/faces.
Q: I have read that four rakaats (sunnat-e-muakkadah) before Zuhr salaah are equivalent in reward to Tahajjud salah. Is this proven from the Hadith?
Q: If one is totally in debt. What is the stance with regard to Zakaat?
Q: Can a man give his wife talaaq over the phone and will it be valid?
Q: I love my mother and I try my best to obey her.Everymonth I gave her some allowance. here is my situation, I'm almost finishing my work contract, and after this contract finish I plan not to work in office anymore. For family expense and my mother allowance, I started investment in the business run by my father in law. From this investment inshaAllah it'll be enough for my family expense and mother allowance. I'm thinking that I dont need to work in office anymore and can give more time for learning deen and doing effort of deen, i also participate in the effort of tabligh. But my mother want that after I finish my contract I should apply a job in a particular place where the pay is very high, so me and my family should shift there also. Actualy I already feel tired and no mood to work in office anymore and my intention is to have more time to learn deen and teach deen to my wife and kids and of course to have more time to do effort of deen. Should I follow the wish of my mother?
Q: How many qurbani should we do? Is it 1 per family or each per family or is there other options? Please give reference.
Q: I am 22 years old and work in an IT company. I have to interact with a lot of girls all the time to solve their computer issues and while talking to them I get excited and a white liquid flows from my penis. But, it does not lead to ejaculation. Altough my intentions are not pervert I had this issue when I used to carry small kids as well but it has stopped now. But I still have this issue with girls.So,does it break my gusul ? Do I have to take gusul again? Is there any way to stop this?
Q: I have a question with regards to the wording of Dua-e-Qunoot according to the Hanifi Mazhab. The words ونتوكل عليك (wanatawaku alaika). Is it found in any Hadeeth? If not, would it be preferable to omit these words and suffice with the wording that we find and the Ahadeeths?