Live Video Streaming

Q: At a recent Islamic school event the MC and subsequent speakers were streamed live to the female section of the hall. In this way the females were able to view a live feed of the speakers (all male) without the speakers being able to see them. Is this permissable?

Medical Aid

Q: What is the Shariah ruling concerning Medical Aid? I am a civil servant and am subsidised for two thirds of the monthly instalment. It is not compulsory but if I do not utilise it, I lose the benefit.

Durood Shareef

Q: Recently a radio station hosted a programe on sending durood sharief. If one only recites durood sharief, is it not giving preference over Allah's zikr.

Family relations in Jannah

Q: Being a Muslim After the judgement day and completion of Jaza and Saza process.  Shall we get our relationship as Quran or hadith like, Mother Father, Sisters, Brothers, Children, Wife etc? Kindly give reference to study if possible from Quran or Hadith.


س: لو وقع من الشخص اشتراء شيء (مثلا السيارة، كومبيوتر و إلخ) باستعمال التمويل الربوي من البنك التقليدي - هل الإنتفاع بهذه الأشياء جائزة لأهله و أقربائه؟ هل هذه الأشياء تعتبر جزءا مباحا من الميراث لورثاء هذا الشخص، والتي يجب قسمها بين الورثاء؟ و هذا هو الحال في كثير من الأسر الإسلامية حتى في الدول الإسلامية.