Financial constraints

Q: Globally, nationally and locally, our businesses are going through a financial downturn. The majority of businessmen are becoming despondent and concerned as financial targets and obligations cannot be met. After putting shariah compliant mechanisms in place, please pray and advise on the way forward. Situations amongst some businessmen are critical as they are forced to go the bond and bank route, becoming involved in interest. As much as one does not want to go the haraam way, there seems to be no alternative. As we seem to have reached the end of the road, please advise. Also, we will appreciate if the Ulama could advise and guide the masses in these trying times from the mimbar etc. We love you all and appreciate your favours upon the ummah. 

Huge cellphone bill due to a virus

Q: A brother uses his cellphone as a modem. Unfortunately he contracted a virus. The effect of this was that as soon as he put on his phone the counter was just running. The result was that his account which normally comes to about R250.00 came to R5500.00. After investigating it was found that this was caused by the virus.

The service provider says that it is not their problem and they want the account to be settled. Will it be permissible for the brother to pay this account using interest money?

Opening a savings account

Q: I would like to open a savings account. Which would be the better option:

Having read in a newsletter from the majlis that Albaraka Bank not being islamic compliant (assuming that this might apply to all "shariah compliant" banks).

  1. Open an account at First National Bank (using their "Shariah compliant" savings account) which earns no interest.
  2. Open a normal savings account at First National Bank (which earns interest), but calculate the interest for the month, withdraw that amount and give it to the poor muslims.

A bank account has to be opened for work purposes (salary is paid therein).

Life Insurance

Q: Someone I know has a life insurance policy that his parents set up before he became a Muslim. What should he do with it? If he has the option of selling it, can he do so? After accepting Islam, he has also contributed towards the policy. Does he have to pay zakaat on the money he contributed?

Liability Insurance

Q: I live in Europe (Holland), I want to ask whether it is permissible to take a liability insurance.

I have read many information about this issue and many ulema do forbid it. However i have found a fatwa issued by the European Fatwa Council (see below and the orginal fatwa is located at: on page 50) and see here there members of ulema of the counsil:

This is the fatwa given by the European Fatwa Counsil (the deobandi scholars Mufti Taqi Usmani and  Mufti Ismail Kaccholvi are a member of it):