What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person

Q: Kindly provide a response on the following: In today's times, with more and more people watching hindi movies, their ways are being practiced by Muslims. What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person, like how the hindus do it - going down on their knees, with head bowed over (almost touching the ground) and touching the feet of the person? Does the Muslim person become a Mushrik? If yes, then does the nikah of that person break? How should such a person make towbah?

Clean shaven Qaris from Egypt


  1. Many imaams allowed a clean shaven qari from Egypt to recite in their masjid. Is this acceptable?
  2. Is this not tantamount to honoring a faasiq?
  3.  Some moulanas who are hanafis say the shafee mazhab does not emphasize the beard. Therefore we can allow a clean shaven qari to read the qiraat.
  4. One aalim say we must have unity. invite the modernists, barelvis, etc. - unity first.
  5. Some say we want to listen to the qu'aan, we are honoring the quraan not the qari?

Raffle ticket system for Donations

Q: I work for a fund-raising organisation called the RSL (Returned Services League). It is 100% charity based. We help Australian war veterans and their families. I work in the telephone marketing team which calls RSL members and asks for donations. We use a raffle ticket system where the donators purchase a $5 ticket which puts them in the draw for a house plus other prizes like gold or cash. All proceeds from the tickets go to charity and to run the organisation. Is this a type of gambling? Am I allowed to continue this job? 

Why are pictures of inanimate objects permissible?

Q: The ijma of scholars have permitted painting of tress, flowers etc which are considered as living and have also permitted painting of nature like mountains, rivers, sun, moon etc. Why do these things, not fall into the category of challenging Allah or painting like of his creation?

Is there any hadith to support the view that painting living things like trees, flowers, mountains, rivers etc permitted in Islam?
The reason why I am asking this is because I had a conversation with a non-muslim friend and provided an argument that painting living is like challenging the God, but I wasn’t able to answer, even trees, mountains, rivers, sun, moon are creation of God, then why the same logic isn’t applicable here.