
Q: A family whom were having feud for many years sat down to resolve certain issues they were having. From the initial stage, there was shouting and yelling and they seems to be at each other’s throat. The meeting was adjourned with advice of one of the six brothers who mentioned there will be no barakat or success since we left out the name of Allah Ta'ala and Durood on Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and due to the extreme anger of the brothers. We mentioned that there is a proper way to conduct these gatherings which are governed by the Shariah and life of our Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. We informed them that we will attain these rules and regulations from the Ulema-a-Karam. With this said it was agreed that another meeting will met set. Can mufti Saheb give us these rules and regulations so that we all can follow them? How should these gathering be conducted? If someone gets angry and starts fuming their anger at each other, how should we calm them down or what should others do? How would and should an Alim conduct these feud and conflicts?

Time for Tahajjud Salaah

Q: My question relates to the times of Tahajud. When i was in madressah I was taught that we could read from just after 12am till about 15min before fajar salah. Recently I was told many different things regarding the times. What would be the right time to read Tahajud salah and the cut off time?

Not fasting due to an Ulcers and IBS

Q: Ramadaan is here and I have a bit of a concern about my fasts. I can't keep fasts, the pain in my stomach is excruciating. I can't keep them out of Ramadaan as the same thing happens. Infact on a normal day if I skip a meal or don't eat when I'm hungry then I get that pain. I've been to two doctors and they are of the opinion that I have ulcers as well as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). During the past Ramadaan I had to stop fasting as I was not responding to the ulcer medication and the pain was unbearable, I'm also told there is no cure for IBS. Am I allowed to not fast and pay for them instead?

What is Milkiyat?


  1. What is the meaning of having milkiat of something?
  2. A housewife buys something from her husbands money for her personal use or for her children. Who will have milkiat over that thing?
  3. If a man gives something to his close relative or his own children to use, then who will have milkiat over that thing?
  4. What is the difference between a gift to somebody and milkiat over anything?