Azaan at the Grave Site

Q: I am reading a book called "Death The Final Journey" by Muhammad Abd Al -Mannan. In this book he states that its Sunnat to give Azaan at the grave site quoting Abu Hurairah (Radiyallahu Anhu) in Muslim and Buhkari Sherif. Further he states that in Durre Muktar its sunnat to give Azaan at the grave with it's blessings the Shaytan will run?

Fund Raising Competition

Q: A competition is being run where a certain amount is given as a donation and the donor is entered into a draw for an Umrah ticket and a quad bike. The money is used for a campaign to free a prisoner and the prizes are sponsored by third parties. Is this type of competition permissible?

Masah On a Plaster

Q: If I get cut on my finger, which needs to be washed for wudhu, and I put a plaster on my finger can I just make masah on that plaster? And do I need to make a new wudhu for every Salaah?

Touching Some Dry Impurity

Q: If the clothing of a person, or a part of his bare body (such as his hand) or his khuff, touches an impure place which is dry, does it make it impure? For example, there was some urine on the carpet, and then it dried totally. If the above-mentioned things touch it, do they become impure?