Men becoming Gynaecologists
Q: Are Muslim men allowed to become Gynaecologists?
Q: Are Muslim men allowed to become Gynaecologists?
Q: If I missed Asr namaaz, and I want to do the qaza at Maghrib time, which one should I do first, Asr or Maghrib Namaaz?
Q: Is it Haraam to touch without the wudhu a Quran covered with its juzdaan?
Q: If a woman has urinary incontinence, what are the rules concerning her wudhu?
Q: If there’s a red dot in an egg is it halaal to consume and what if it’s used in a cake what’s the ruling in the madhabs about this?
Q: What dua can I read to Insha-Allah learn the Qur’aan, I would like to memorize the Qur’aan when I'm done with my studies?
Q: I'm a youth and there's just something that's been bugging me for a while: Sometimes when you go out then you hear people saying that nowadays a lot of the Ulama only want to know you if you are wealthy or if you pious i.e. the ordinary person is overlooked ( I know this is not true for every Moulana and there are many Ulama who are not like this). This has happened to quite a few people who I know where a well known Aalim will greet selective people. This kind of attitude puts a young person in a position where they feel a bit despondent. I was just wondering if you could advice me on this.
Q: If a person's clothes were napaak and were not washed at all. Someone took it and placed in the washing basket. It was washed with the other clothes and it is now clean (apparently). Will it still have to be washed two more times or the washing machine was sufficient?
Q: I am a mature female. When I go to the bathroom I see different amount of liquids in my under clothing. The colour is anywhere from yellow to white. How much liquid would not break my wudhu? Also Salaah is difficult because I go to work and I cannot keep making wudhu and changing my clothing due to the liquids for each Salaah. Also while praying I can feel the fluid coming out. Within every two hours this discharge takes place. What do I do about all this? Am i ma'zur?
Q: What is the Shar'ee ruling regarding children standing in the first saff for salaah? Is this permissible?