Keeping Good Opinions About Ulama

Q: I'm a youth and there's just something that's been bugging me for a while: Sometimes when you go out then you hear people saying that nowadays a lot of the Ulama only want to know you if you are wealthy or if you pious i.e. the ordinary person is overlooked ( I know this is not true for every Moulana and there are many Ulama who are not like this). This has happened to quite a few people who I know where a well known Aalim will greet selective people. This kind of attitude puts a young person in a position where they feel a bit despondent. I was just wondering if you could advice me on this.

Salaah For a Woman Who Discharges Continuously

Q: I am a mature female. When I go to the bathroom I see different amount of liquids in my under clothing. The colour is anywhere from yellow to white. How much liquid would not break my wudhu? Also Salaah is difficult because I go to work and I cannot keep making wudhu and changing my clothing due to the liquids for each Salaah. Also while praying I can feel the fluid coming out. Within every two hours this discharge takes place. What do I do about all this? Am i ma'zur?