Making Vinegar from Cabernet Sauvignon Wine
Q: If a Cabernet Sauvignon Wine is naturally fermented to make a vinegar, is this Halaal?
Q: If a Cabernet Sauvignon Wine is naturally fermented to make a vinegar, is this Halaal?
Q: When I was making wudhu, my pants got wet in the basin. I have no knowledge of najasat in it, so I read namaaz with it. Is it pure?
Q: I could not remember if I washed after I went to the toilet when passing urine. What should be done in such a situation? If anything other than ignore it. What happens to my Salaah because I ignored it now and maybe before too?
Q: A woman had 40 days of nifaas. Then there was no bleeding for two days. Thereafter she started to bleed. What would this new bleeding be? Would it be istihadha or haiz? Also, if it was haiz, would it be counted according to the old habit the one before she got pregnant?
Q: I am pregnant Alhamdullilah and last week I had some bleeding. Alhamdullilah the bleeding stopped but now I am unsure if I can begin reading my Salaah as there are still some black flaky discharge. My underwear remains clean and I can only see the discharge when I go to the toilet. Can I make ghusal and start reading my Salaah or should I wait until the discharge is gone completely.
And please can you suggest a dua that I can read to keep my unborn baby safe and that my baby grows healthy, normal, strong and pious.
Q: Is the dua that we are taught for fasting "Bi sawmi ghadin nawaytu" established from Hadith? If a person makes his niyyah in the morning then should he omit the word "Ghadin"?
Q: I have a share in a certain Hospital. One year has already elapsed and the construction is still carrying on. I have absolutely no idea when it will start operating. Do I have to discharge the Zakaat of this share?
Q: We hear that the place where the ustaad's stick hits the body of the student, then that place will not burn in the fire. Is there any such thing in the Ahaadith?
Q: My daughter is 10 years old. She is not yet baaligh. The school has planned an excursion which is more than safr distance away from my home town. Can she join her school on this excursion?
Q: Must a mustahaza change her pad before each Salaah?