Correct method of removing Unwanted Hair
Q: What is the correct method of removing unwanted hair?
Q: What is the correct method of removing unwanted hair?
Q: A scholar who gives a legal opinion is rewarded for it, two rewards for the one who is correct and one reward for the one who erred. Therefore we say that all imaams are on the right path and can be followed. So why can't we follow these salafi ulama?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who pelted less than half of the prescribed number of pebbles during the days of pelting?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who did not pelt on one day?
Q: What is the prescribed amount of pebbles that must be used to pelt each jamarah?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who did not pelt at all during the days of pelting?
Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who tied his ihraam for Hajj or Umrah, but due to illness, he was unable to travel? How will he come out of ihraam?
Q: Zaid set out to perform Tamattu Hajj from South Africa during the months of Hajj. After performing Umrah he proceeded to Madinah Munawwarah or Taif. When he returned to Makkah Mukarramah he only tied the ihraam for Hajj and he did not make Umrah. Will his Hajj be regarded as a Tamattu Hajj or will it be necessary for him to perform another Umrah upon returning to Makkah Mukarramah for his Hajj to be a Tamattu Hajj?
Q: What is the masnoon time of wuquf in Arafah?
Q: When can the wuquf of Arafah be made?