Giving Qurbaani meat as remuneration
Q: Is it permissible to give the Qurbaani meat to those employed for skinning etc. as remuneration?
Q: Is it permissible to give the Qurbaani meat to those employed for skinning etc. as remuneration?
Q: Is it permissible to sell the skin of the Qurbaani animal and give the money in sadaqah?
Q: What should be done with the skin of the Qurbaani animal?
Q: From where should a Musaafir start calculating his safar distance? Should he commence from his residence or from the border of the area he resides in?
Q: If a person recites a Surah after Surah faatiha in the last two rakaats of a four rakaat fardh Salaah, will sajdah-e-sahw become waajib?
Q: If a person discharges sadaqatul fitr on behalf of his wife and baaligh children who are not being supported by him without their permission, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: If one did not discharge his sadaqatul fitr and all his wealth got destroyed, will the obligation of sadaqatul fitr fall away?
Q: If a person discharges sadaqatul fitr on behalf of someone other than his dependants (i.e. his wife and children) without their permission, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: If a father discharges sadaqatul fitr on behalf of his wife and baaligh children without their permission, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: If a person did not discharge his sadaqatul fitr for many years, what should he do?