Being the owner of a vehicle when purchasing it on HP
Q: A vehicle was purchased on HP (hire to purchase). The bank still holds the log book. Is the purchaser considered to be the owner? Can he sell the vehicle?
Q: A vehicle was purchased on HP (hire to purchase). The bank still holds the log book. Is the purchaser considered to be the owner? Can he sell the vehicle?
Q: To qualify for CA (Chartered Accountant) in Bangladesh, one has to pass 17 papers and also complete 2 or 3 or 4 years of article ship (practical training). Now my friend has passed the CA exam by passing all the 17 papers by giving the exam in the most ethical manner as possible but he did a dummy article ship (forged article ship documents).
Now he got a halal job because he is a qualified CA. Without doing the article ship, one cannot give the last level of CA exam (last three exams). Is his income halal as he forged the article ship document?
Q: Will it be permissible to take a loan from a person and in return, instead of giving them a profit share, could you give them an item of the stock that you will be purchasing with that same loan amount?
Example, you loan R100 000 from a person to buy clothing stock. You agree to pay him on a certain date and then you give him a few items of that clothing.
Q: If a person has haraam wealth due to usurping the rights of people, or haraam wealth earned through ribaa (interest) from the banks or from any other source, can he use this wealth to go for hajj? If he goes to perform his fardh hajj with such wealth, will his hajj be valid?
Q: If I'm in charge of property and among about 50 shops I have to do renewal of leases. One shop is a gambling shop. Is it permissible for me to sign up or redraft a renewal lease?
Q: If a Muslim commits an act of kufr like mocking Allah Ta'ala, will saying the shahada be enough for him to become a Muslim again or is repentance mandatory. If he just says the shahada, will he become a Muslim even if he doesn't repent?
Q: If someone believes that a wali is greater than a Prophet, is that kufr?
Q: Is a breastfeeding woman allowed to breastfeed her child while on menses?
Q: Does cleaning the ears invalidate wudhu?
Q: How do I overcome doubts regarding complete forgiveness for all my sins when I sincerely ask Allah for forgiveness for all my sins and how do I build my hope in the mercy of Allah?