Accepting a settlement discount from the bank to clear a credit card account

Q: We have a credit card account with FNB which hasn't been paid for about 1 and a half years. Over the period that the account was not paid, interest was levied to the account. I'm not to sure of the exact amount of interest which was levied on the account, but I have requested the amount. I'm awaiting their response. 

The account is currently handled by the banks attorneys and they have recently emailed us stating that the bank is willing to give us a settlement discount of 40% if the account is paid by the 29th of this month (November). 

Will it be fine for us to accept the settlement discount and settle this account as we don't have the money to pay the entire balance on the account and ان شاء الله a few friends will be willing to help us pay the account if we can settle with the settlement discount amount. 

Making funny videos with Islamic elements

Q: I wanted to ask about what is the ruling on making funny videos using Islamic elements in it? I saw a video where a man asked two guys that what is their name. So the first guy answered that his name is Yunus. So the questioner said if you can recite the Surah Yunus then I will give you 100 dollars. The first guy failed to recite the Surah. When the questioner asked the second guy that what is his name. He said, my name is Kawthar and started smiling weirdly. It is like he lied about his name and chose the name of an easy Surah so he can get the money. 

So I wanted to know is it permissible to make such funny videos using Islamic elements? And what is the ruling on laughing at such videos?

Husband telling his wife "Utalliquki"

Q: Me and my husband were talking about something. I said to him mostly as a joke that I’d like to adopt a child one day from Africa and he got angry thinking that I’m attracted to African men and wanting black kids. This was a misunderstanding but my husband said "I divorce you and you can find another man". He said in Arabic utalliquki which can mean "I divorce you" (now) but my husband said that he meant in the future which counts as warning and not talaq. So I’m scared because this word utalliquki can mean both. 

Is this case treated by the intention of my husband which was to speak about the future "I will" even though he used this word utalliquki.

Wife making dua that her husband divorces his second wife

Q: If one's husband has made nikaah without telling her and she found out about 3 months later. Her husband did not consummate the marriage and after consulting with his seniors, he regrets what he had done. However he is afraid to divorce the second wife due to backlash. The first wife wants to make dua that he leaves his second wife since he hasn't caused her to to become pregnant which will further complicate things. 

My question is, is one allowed to make a dua as such... "Oh my beloved Allah you create a good excuse for my husband to leave his second nikaah with aafiyah and you make it such that she finds a better spouse for her thereafter". 

Will this kind of dua be allowed?

Taking a picture of an animate object and removing the head before sending it

Q: When a person takes a picture on WhatApp, if a person doesn't send it and presses back, the picture disappears. 

My question is, if you take a picture of an item to show someone and there's a logo on it and you remove the head on the logo before sending, is this permissible since the picture with the logo head is not accessible once you send it?