Drinking non-alcoholic drinks

Q: Is it permissible to drink non-alcoholic drinks (0% alcohol) which have the same name as traditional alcohols and are branded similar to the original alcoholic drink. The reason I ask is because there are many of these drinks now. E.g. There is a drink called "Lager" which has the name, logo and appearance of the original alcoholic drink but is non-alcoholic.

Befriending Ahmadiyyah's and maintaining family ties with people involved in sin

Q: I have two questions: 

1. How to deal with people called Ahmadiyah? A girl was apparently wearing a hijab like Muslim women do and I grew friendly with her but now I came to know she is Ahmadiyah and not Muslim. What should I do?

2. How to deal with relatives who are involved in *gunnah e kabeera* or greatest sins. They also perform black magic and admit it. Is the prohibition of not cutting off with relatives still there for us? When these people also harm my family and try to create obstacles for every important thing.

The Hadith Regarding Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saving a dua for his Ummat on the Day of Qiyaamah

Q: Is it true that when the son of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Ebrahim was ill, Ayesha (radhiyallahu anha) told Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) to use the du’aa that every prophet is given in which Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: I am saving that du’aa for my Ummah on Qiyaamah.