Q: Does whistling call shaitaan?
Q: Does whistling call shaitaan?
Q: Is horse riding allowed for women?
Q: I just applied for a part-time job and they require that I remove my pardah (niqaab). I usually do not wear it in my home town due to my home situation as a revert and my family is against it and out of respect for them I do not wear it. However I made the intention to wear it full time even though my family would still disagree.
My question is: What is the ruling on this and would it be advisable to wear it even though it may cause arguing and tension at home, and should I ever take off my niqaab (in future) for the sake of a job?
Q: What is the law in shariah with regards to paying royalty and advertising fees to a franchise purchased?
Q: I have a piece of clothing that says on the back “legends never die”. This is written in a different language that most people where I live won’t know what it says. Is this permissible to wear?
Q: We know it is sunnah to read 4 rakaat salaah before the Asr and Esha Salaah. Will it also be sunnah to purposely leave out these sunnah salaah SOMETIMES, as it is Sunnah Ghair Muakkada.
Ezample, a person reads the 4 sunnah of Asr on Monday and purposely leaves it out on Tuesday and reads it again on Wednesday. Will this be regarded as a sunnah?
Q: Is it a sin on the part of a man not to provide his wife and family with their basic needs including food, clothing, self-care etc.?
I have read your answers on his obligations to his family. What is the harms if he fails to fulfill these obligations.
Q: I am working under a company which scam people but my job is to give them money and send them to the other people who will soon scam them.
What should I do? I need to spend at least 6 months here to go back to my country or I need to pay them 1700$ to get my passport + I need ticket money too. So I have no idea what to do. Please guide me through this difficult time.
Q: I have a pain in my hand and was advised by a physiotherapist to tape it using kinesiology/sports tape. The tape is difficult to remove once its stuck and it falls off on its own after a few days. Will wudhu be valid if I make masah over the tape?
1. I sell products from my business website. My supplier has 200 products. I stock 100 items but list all 200 items on the website stating 'available on order'. The customer purchases and pays for the item and I then order and ship it to the customer. Is this permissible?
2. I post items on my WhatsApp for sale... Customers know I don't have the product. The supplier has numerous agents like myself who advertise and purchase according to order. Customers place orders and once I receive the item, they pick up and pay. Is this permissible or how can this be structured in a permissible manner?