Forgiving someone for stealing money

Q: I'm an 18 year old female and I used to buy lots of personal stuff, for example, an expensive keyboard and mouse, a pair of headphones etc. but I bought these items using the money I stole from my father's wallet without his knowledge and might have stolen some from my mother's purse too. I felt guilty about my deeds later on and I stopped stealing like that and I also told my dad that I stole his money to buy things for myself. He understood the topic and he said he forgave me.

Now first of all, are all the things that I bought using my dads stolen money haraam for me to touch or use ? Even after he forgave me? Do I stop using these stuff? Some of the stuff are actually important for me to use. Do I have to return these goods to my parents? I bought makeup using the stolen money. Do I have to return that to my dad or do I have to pay him the amount that I stole? I estimated it around 600 USD (I didnt steal it in a day of course. It came up to that number day by day). I dont even have a job that I can earn that money and pay him back.

Secondly, the items are (as far as I remember) - a keyboard, a mouse and mouse pad, headphones for gaming, TONS of makeup (like alot), some dresses and accessories, ingredients for making D-I-Y lip balms (like oils and beeswaxes etc.) and empty tin and plastic containers (a LOT of these containers). Do I throw all these items away? Even after I've asked for forgivenesss from my mum and dad?

Thirdly, I also bought some gifts and stationaries with the stolen money from my parents. and the people whom I gave the gifts to, does the items become haraam for them to use and are they unintentionally committing sin because of me? 

Making niyyat of four rakaats and making salaam after two rakaats

Q: If a person commences performing four rakaats sunnat ghair muakkadah, before Asr or Esha, but due to the jamaat salaah starting, he only performs two rakaats instead of four, then will he need to perform these four rakaats later on after the jamaat? (The reason I am asking is that I have read that once we start salaah, even a nafl salaah, it becomes waajib to complete it.)

Repeating Esha fardh and sunnat if the fardh was invalid


1. If we perform Esha Fard, sunnat and witr and nafl but after the time of the prayer has expired we realized that the fard was not valid, what qadha do we need to offer (from the Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl)?

2. If we perform Esha Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl and before the time has expired, we realized that the fard was not valid, what do we we need to repeat (from Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl)?

Raising the index finger during tashahud

Q: I have come across a Hadith narrated by Wail ibn Hujr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) on the description of the prophetic prayer in Abu Dawood, and there I found that we should raise the index finger from the starting of tashahud to the end of salah and we should slightly move (shivering/vibrating it in an infinitesimally small distance) but the people of my community raise their finger only while saying ash hadu an la I laha... (I know both of it can be done, but I would like to prefer the authenticity one) and so I did it up to now! Hanafi/Shafi school do it I think so, but could you please tell me what to do now.

Moving one's lips while reciting duas in salaah

Q: I heard from a shaik that one should move his lips while reciting azkaar in salaah or in general, and he gave the example of "one will not get sin if they think of sinning except they say or act on it. and the shaik said that so similar the good deeds!"

a. Once I read in a hadith that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) never moved his lips in Salatul Asr. (I was not aware of the authenticity of that and I also remember that I read it from Sahih Muslim/Bukhari). 

b. I heard from another shaik that if someone around you recites anything only by moving his lips or some phrase with a sound and some without, then he said that one should warn such a person to stop it or read it clearly and loudly, if not then we have to tell them that "you are a witch person and will reveal it to everyone if you don't, (because it is an act of witches or magicians, the shaik said)" now which is correct and in which situations?