Jamaat salaah with social distancing
Q: Is Jamaat Salaah valid with the two-meter social distancing spacing?
Q: Is Jamaat Salaah valid with the two-meter social distancing spacing?
1. I know that when one misses the Jumuah Salaah one has to pray Zuhur Salaah individually, not in Jamaah.
a. What about those in the villages that do not qualify for Jumuah Salaah, are they to perform Zuhur in Jamaah or individually?
b. A group of travellers, are they to perform Zuhur Salaah in Jamaah or individually since Jumuah Salaah is not Fardh upon them?
1. During these times of corona restrictions, where Muslims are not allowed attend Masaajid, can they also perform Zuhur Salaah in Jamaah on Fridays?
2. Can Jumuah Salaah be performed at homes during these corona restrictions period?
Q: I want to know the Arabic text and reference for the following Hadith Mubarakah:
س:علماء دین کے امانت دار ہیں جب تک کہ امراء اور حکام سے میل جول نہ کریں اور جب امراء و حکام سے میل جول کرنے لگیں تو دین کے راہزن ہیں۔
Q: I have read in the Quraan that good women are for good men.
My question is that in the past I used to stare at girls in college. I also talked to them but did not have any haram relationship with them. I proposed to a girl but she didn't accepted, we didn't commit zina. Now I feel guilty over my past acts and I have made taubah two years ago. I have not repeated those acts. Will I be forgiven or will I be considered impure and a bad guy. Does that mean I will get a bad wife if I m not forgiven. If I am forgiven, will I get a good wife?
Q: Is it permissible to offer salaah before azaan when the time of the prayer has begun?
Q: I am living alone in Canada. Because of racism here in Canada, do I have to wear hijab or not? I am very scared of the racism. I was wearing hijab before when I was in Dubai, but when I moved to Canada, people always used to tell me not to wear hijab as I am living alone and I will not get a job because of wearing the hijab. I am very confused. Kindly advise.
س: المرأه الحامل اذا سقطت قبل ثلاثه أشهر فهذا دم ليس بدم نفاس وعليها الصوم والصلاة. ولكن إذا سقطت عند ثلاث شهور ونصف او اربع شهور فهذا سقطا ويعد دمها نفاسا. او عند ثمانين يوما يعد نفاسا اي شهرين وعشرين يوم.
Q: Is there any Hadith that explains the benefit of the herb 'sana makki' that it has the cure for every disease except death?
Q: Prayers are offered in Masajid these days with distances between musallees being about one meter and leaving the alternate saff empty. Also, we need to wear a thin mask during prayers. This way the nose does not get in contact with the ground.
1. Are our prayers valid with distances in between?
2. Are our prayers valid with a face mask on?