Using silk pillows, duvets and blankets
Q: Is it permissible to use or nap on silk pillow covers or silk bed sheets for men? What if it was given to me to use for medical purposes? (For which I obviously hold intentions upon).
Q: Is it permissible to use or nap on silk pillow covers or silk bed sheets for men? What if it was given to me to use for medical purposes? (For which I obviously hold intentions upon).
Q: What does Islam say about someone (a Muslim) offering prayers in a gurdwara, temple or church? Is it allowed? If so, then in what conditions?
Q: Yesterday I was having doubts while I was painting my parents house about the paint brush. Today we had half left and when I searched the internet, i found that the paint brush was made from animal hair and it's non halaal. My family members are painting with it before I told them it's najasat because I just found out a moment ago and not yet told them. I have mixed the paint with the brush. Does my house become naajis and what do we do with the remaining paint? If I touch the house with wet hands, does the najasat transfer? This is very distressing. We have thrown the brush but the paint is still left and on the wall. Now must I throw the remaining paint away?
1. Does a divorced woman have to go back and live with her parents i.e. is it compulsory?
2. If a woman is divorced, does she have to live under the rules of her parents?
3. If she lives separately is it haraam?
4. Would the same ruling apply if she is able to take care of herself financially? If no, then what is the ruling for a woman who can take care of herself financially?
5. Is it compulsory to get married a second time?
Q: How should we understand and apply this narration, what is the correct method to practice it?
عن أبي قلابة، أن أبا الدرداء مر على رجل قد أصاب ذنبا، فكانوا يسبونه، فقال: أرأيتم لو وجدتموه في قليب ألم تكونوا مستخرجيه؟ قالوا: بلى، قال: فلا تسبوا أخاكم واحمدوا الله الذي عافاكم ، قالوا: أفلا تبغضه؟ قال: إنما أبغض عمله، فإذا تركه فهو أخي
Abu Qilabah (rahimahullah) narrates that Abud Darda (radiyallahu ‘anhu) once passed by a man who had committed a sin and the people were cursing him. So he said: “Tell me, if you were you to find him in a deep well wouldn’t you bring him out?” When they replied in the affirmative, he said: ‘Then do not curse your brother and praise Allah who protected you.’ They asked, ‘Don’t you hate him?’ He replied: ‘I only hate his wrong doing, but when he abandons it then he is my brother.'”
This statement of Sayyiduna Abud Darda (radiyallahu ‘anhu) is recorded in Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq and Shu’abul Iman. (Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq: 20267, Shu’abul Iman: 6264) The narrators are reliable.
Q: Is it compulsory to get the husband to sign on a khula document?
Q: Is it a good practice to leave a newly wed wife alone back at home and go for 4 months jamaat? Does her feelings mean nothing?
Q: I have R1000 worth of R100 notes. However, these are the old notes and I want to change them for the new R100 notes. The agent said that he will change the old notes for the new notes, but he will charge me R10. Is this permissible?
Q: Some online retailers clearly mention that the item is not in stock, and they will acquire it for the customer from the supplier. In this case, what should one do?
Q: Online retailers often sell items that they don’t keep in stock. They conclude the sale and take payment immediately and thereafter acquire the item from the supplier and deliver it to you. Similarly, when hardware stores sell bricks to customers, they conclude the sale and accept payment immediately. Thereafter, they buy the bricks from the supplier and ask the supplier to deliver directly to the customer. Is it permissible to deal in this manner?