
Q: Please help me understand why Allah Ta'ala would grant you something that you have prayed for but it was not meant for you or it does not workout in the long run.

Chatting after Esha salaah

Q: What are the rulings of Shariah on social activities and chatting after Esha prayer. Nowadays, we see people start visiting relatives after Esha or just sit at home and chat with the family as according to them this is the only free time they have?

How about the same with one’s spouse? Is there any clear guideline on it in oue beloved Shariah and what is the sunnah?

Republic Day and Independence Day ceremonies

Q: I am from India. I work as a teacher in a government school. Maximum of my colleagues are Hindu. In the school, on Republic Day or Independence Day, the cultural ceremony is held by the order of government. On these days we are forced to show and respect many dead freedom fighters by putting a flower on their picture and statue. Is it shirk? Or what type of sin is this?

Passing the meeqaat without ihraam

Q: I came from Pakistan for umrah and performed umrah successfully. Then we (my wife and I) went to Madinah Munawwarah and thought of doing another umrah. One night before I had a flu and pain in my body so we postponed the intention of umrah. We reached Makkah and then next day we performed umrah after going to masjid Ayesha. Someone said that whether you have the intention of umrah or not you should enter Meqaat in ihraam. Kindly help me in this regard as I have last 3 days in Makkah. If dam is waajib and we don't have that amount of money then what do we do?