Saying allahuma barik instead of Masha Allah
Q: I would like to know if it's permissible to say allahuma barik instead of Masha Allah and what is the difference? I was taught to say Masha'Allah but I have seen others say allahuma barik.
Q: I would like to know if it's permissible to say allahuma barik instead of Masha Allah and what is the difference? I was taught to say Masha'Allah but I have seen others say allahuma barik.
Q: Tabligh jamaat says that our jaan, our maal, our waqt is not ours. All is for Allah.
We get the impression that all is for Allah.
So how much is ours and for our needs and use for our kids? Please clarify this quote from.
Q: If cosmetic items and creams contain an ingredient that is derived from the meat of an animal that is haraam (either not slaughtered according to Shariah or from any haraam animal), is this cream impure and will it render the person using it impure (impure in the sense that one cannot read Salaah, Quraan etc.).
When it comes to the cream, it is only applied to the skin.
Q: My daughter runs a small maktab from home wherein she takes a small fee for teaching the preschool children.
My husband says as she is earning, his responsibility towards seeing to their needs is over... Moreover she should contribute by paying a small rental for the room she is using. Is his thinking correct?
Q: If a person misses a rakaah of his Salaah with jamaat and he is a masbooq then what is the correct method of standing up?
I have noticed that everyone stands up after the first salaam. Is this correct or is it better to stand up after both the salaams?
Q: Does a resident of Makkah have to tie an ihraam every time he exits the meeqaat?
Q: A person departs from South Africa to perform hajj. From which point is it compulsory upon him to tie his ihraam? Does he have to tie it in the aeroplane when the announcement is made, or is it permissible for him to tie it in the Jeddah Airport after they land? Could you please explain the details of the mas’alah of tying the ihraam at the meeqaat?
Q: If I force someone to do a sin though I consider the sin as haraam, will I be a disbeliever?
Q: Is it permissible to picture that one is standing in front of the Roza-Mubarak when reciting Durood Shareef in Salaah?
Q: I wanted to ask if listening to subliminals is permissible in Islam. If the intention is to use it as a positive affirmation like to boost confidence and motivation, especially while studying. I don't want to listen to music or anything haraam, so I was thinking of using subliminals with natural sounds, like rain, and without any audible words. Would this be okay from an Islamic perspective?