Taking herbs as medication

Q: I would like to know if taking herbs for health reasons from a herbs doctor (boil herbs in water, drink remaining after straining ) is permissible. It sometimes includes animal bones (dried condition). Is it ok to drink it after boiling in water together with other herbs?

Selling a book that one got for free

Q: Am I allowed to sell a book I got for free?

I ordered a secondhand book online for a class I'm taking. It arrived very quick, and it looked completely new, not secondhand at all, but I no longer needed it as I had already bought the ebook. I put the book for sale online. What I usually do is sell it for 2x or 3x the price I paid, but still cheaper than the retail price. But then, a few days later, I got another copy of the book in the mail, and this one looked more like a secondhand book with highlights and stuff. I thought maybe the company made a mistake and sent me 2 copies, but I just remembered, about a month ago, I had filled out a form on the book company website pretending to be a teacher to see if I could get the book for free. I have done these before, and they never work, so I was just doing it for fun. My answers were absurd, with a fake name, institution, etc, and I thought it would eventually take me to a page with more security where I would have to provide proof of identification, but the form suddenly ended and it was submitted. I had completely forgotten about it, and there were no updates in my email about the book, whether my request was approved or whether the book was shipped. I still have a feeling that this company is likely the one who sent me the book. So, my question is, what do I do with the book? I didn't mean to get it like that, like I didn't think the form would work, but now that I have it, is it permissible to sell it?

Not disclosing information due to fear of envy

Q: Not disclosing information due to fear of envy. Is it okay to avoid a question or not answer it truthfully out of fear of envy and jealousy?

During my last pregnancy, I shared the good news openly with my immediate family, not thinking that they would be jealous. I went through quite a few problems after. Since then I have come to realise through experience that some of my family are very envious especially my sister in law. This time I don’t feel right to share any good news with them at all. I can see from their facial expressions and actions that they do not rejoice in my happiness so now that I have gotten good news Alhamdulillah I feel like keeping it discreet.

I am confused and need to know if this is even okay. I don’t want to displease Allah by lying. Allah is The Protecter, but at the same time I don’t know if I should keep this news to myself, as I have read it in a Hadith. Please advise me as to what is the best approach Islamically.