Giving sadaqah to non-Muslims

Q: For the past few days I was giving sadaqa everyday to needy people, especially cleaners working for Baldiyah. I don't know if the cleaners are Muslims or non-Muslims. I mostly give sadaqa to them only.

Please let know if the money which I give to non-Muslims as sadaqa is acceptable or I should only give it to Muslims only. I really dont know their religion because they are cleaners who wear the same clothes.


Q: My grandad in India had five sons and three daughters. How should his land be divided?

Also, would the share of one son be different if he passed away before his mother?

Profits from a bank account

Q: Please can you assist with the following questions?

1. I have a *hajj account* as well as a *cheque account* with Al Baraka bank. The amount grows as per the profits the bank makes. Is this acceptable according to shariat? Should I cancel all growth and just keep the amount as is?

2. I have opened up an account with FNB shariat compliant for my son. He was given a lot of gifts Alhamdulillah, therefore we have kept all his monetary wealth in an FNB shariat compliant account. The amount in the account will grow. Is this acceptable? Should I rather ask the bank to stop all growth and let the amount stay as is?

3. Do I have to pay zakaat considering the wealth in my hajj account also?