Keeping the name Mirha Fatima
Q: My brother is blessed with baby girl. We want to name her Mirha Fatima. Please tell us the meaning of Mirha and if it is suitable?
Q: My brother is blessed with baby girl. We want to name her Mirha Fatima. Please tell us the meaning of Mirha and if it is suitable?
Q: I read in Behashti Zewar that it is not permissible for women to wear artificial rings.
1. Since I was unaware of this ruling, I already have many such rings that I used to wear. What should be done with those rings?
2. I have given rings as gifts to many women in the past and my jewellery business gave me profit from selling artificial rings. Will I be sinful for this? What should I do now?
Q: Kiya smuggling jaaiz he? Maslan yaha chalian sopari ka smuggling hota he Pakistan me paan parag ka bhi cigarette ka bhi. To ye sab mubaah cheze he to is bare me kiya fatwa he? Agar najaaiz hai to kiyu aur qanoon ki pasdari kab lago hoti he jab ke Islami nizam bhi nahi nokria bhi nahi kuch asani ka mamla farmaye.
Q: My spouse and I had a severe argument and in anger and anguish without realizing I said to her I will divorce you. When I came back to my senses I realized what mistake I made since it wasn't my intention but she abused my mother and I completely lost it.
Last year we had few fights and I had said this twice but she has always stopped me but I am not sure if divorce is done or not. If it has, is there a way out of this since I wasn't in my senses.
Q: Ghusl with water mixed with chemicals and mud such that its color is lightly brown, is the water acceptable for ghusl?
If not then, how is ghusl acceptable with sea water which is also muddy and brownish but no chemicals?
Q: Could you please give any advice how to stop lying?
Q: I wear a trousers belt, it's leather. I don't know what kind of animal skin was used to make this leather belt. I heard that if you wear leather made with pig skin and if you pray salah with it, it wouldn't be accepted, it's nearly impossible to tell if the leather is pig skin or not because where you buy it, it doesn't says. Would my salah be valid?
Q: When my son has his own job and he is earning then is he dependent on his father?
Q: I live in Pakistan and my father is a govt servent. He is about to retire and at retirement the govt gives alot of money as provident fund. This money is actually a combination of 3 things.
1. It cuts from monthly salary for over 25 years.
2. Each month govt adds some amount to this monthly.
3. Bank adds up interest and that I also added to the amount
At retirenment all these amounts add up and given to the employee. So is it halal to do hajj with this money?
Q: If I see a person speaking during the khutbah, this person speaks incessantly to the point of making the khutba of the imam inaudible and causes obvious discomfort, is there a way to neutralize him?