Resident of Jeddah wearing ihraam when going to Makkah


1. If a person is living in Jeddah for job purposes. He goes to Pakistan for one month leave (crosses the meeqat) and returns to Jeddah after one month. Now if he intends to go to Masjid ul Haram, does he need to wear ihraam or can he go for tawaf or prayers, etc.?

2. If this person goes to Madinah from Jedddah, he is crossing the meeqat, then he returns to Jeddah on the same day. Now if he goes to Masjid ul Haram, does he need to wear ihraam and first perform umrah or can he go to the Haram for tawaf and prayer, etc. without ihraam.

Intention when making tayammum


1. Is niyyah necessary for tayamum?

2. Do I have to specify that I am doing tayamum for wudhu or for ghusal?

3. Do I have to specify that I am doing tayamum for a specific reason i.e for praying salaah, for janaazah, etc.?

4. If I do tayamum for janaazah, can I pray salaah with that tayamum?

5. Is tayamum valid without niyyah?

Husband telling wife "Pack your bags and leave"

Q: I would like to enquire about the validity of my nikaah. My husband and I are experiencing marital difficulties and he has asked me to pack my bags and leave twice this month.

I heard the fact that he asked me to pack my bags and leave even once, it counts as divorce and nikaah needs to be made again after iddah period. Please advise if the nikaah is now invalid.