Selling items with animate objects
Q: Is it permissible to sell products that have animate objects on it? Are animate objects without eyes any different from animate objects with eyes?
Q: Is it permissible to sell products that have animate objects on it? Are animate objects without eyes any different from animate objects with eyes?
1. If someone trading in jewellary, takes gold from someone as an investment into his business, does he have to return it in the form of gold or he has the option to return it as either gold or cash?
2. What if the initial deal was to return in the form of gold?
3. The price of gold has tremendously increased and he will return a huge amount (the gold he took as an investment does not exist anymore), so he either will pay the investors cash or gold, is this extra amount interest?
4. The investors gave him gold with a condition of getting a monthly profit, but in fact they were getting a monthly fixed amount regardless of the profit or loss. Is this fixed monthly payment interest?
5. Is it fine to take the orders to make jewellery and take some cash initially and at the time of delivery receive the rest or the whole deal should take place in one session?
6. What if the customer does not pay at the time he receives the jewellery and pays later, is it permissible?
Q: If I borrow Rs 10 lac from someone and return the same amount after 10 years, the value of the money will not be same and interest is haraam so what should we do to keep the value of the money?
Q: Frequently I go into a depression whenever someone unjustifiably disgraces me or is unjust towards me. In such depressive states I often don't perform Salaah and start playing video games and watching YouTube movies. It is obviously very evil and haraam but I don't feel like making any Deeni effort at all. I will even make Wudhu but delay Salaah until the time expires.
I often feel: 'Why should I not attend a haraam function if my parents are just going to scream and be angry with me'; 'Why should I decline jobs if senior honoured 'Ulama are all themselves comfortable and participants of haraam images and banks' ; 'Why should I be careful about na-mahrams when every single Aalim in the family without exception lives and interferes freely with maids and na-mahram relatives,' etc. Please advise me.
1. I usually take the least number of rakaats when I totaly get confused in the number of rakaats of salaah and complete my salaah. I don't sit for tashahud in every rakaat in this case but I do sajda e sahw in the end after reciting tashahud by saying salaam to the right side and then two prostration of forgetfulness and again tashahud then durood and dua and then salaam to right and left. Is this the right way?
2. If not, what is the ruling on my previous salaah?
3. If it is wrong what is the right procedure?
Q: In which tasbeeh do we have to recite durood, "Tawakkaltu alal hayyillazee la yamutu walhamdulillahillazee lam yattahiz waladan walam yakun lahu shareekun filmulki walam yakun lahu waliyyun minazzulli wa kabbirhu takbeera"
For this tasbeeh, do we need to recite durood before and after. Please guide me how to recite this tasbeeh and how to make dua.
Q: A family buy a property. In this property, some of the same family members, who bought the property, reside and some do not.
Because some family members are taking benefit from this house and some are not, do those who are taking benefit have to pay rent to those who are not? If those who are residing in the property have to pay rent, how will the rent be calculated?
Q: Two people are entering a house. The first person who enters says assalaamu alaykum. Should the second person who enters say wa alaykumus salaam, in response to the first persons salaam or should they say assalaamu alaykum as we learn is the etiquettes of entering a house??
Q: Person A gives person B his interest money declaring it as such. Person B gives person C the money declaring it as such, appointing person C a representative of the poor. Asks person C to dispose of the money. Is it jaaiz for person C to use the money for person D children school fees without declaring it as interest?
Q: I know someone who has been disgnosed with gender identity dysphoria. In this condition, one feels like the oppostie gender ever since they get into their senses and its caused during pregnancy inside the womb. When the baby is developing, some hormones are released which causes the coding of the mind of the child to be of the other gender. Such kids from childhood feel like the other gender and they also try to commit suicide. It's a medically caused condition by hormones and it is also in their genes. Is it accepted in Islam because it's a disease?