Becoming scared when thinking of the Day of Judgement
Q: When I think about the Day of Judgment I get very scared. Can you tell me the things I should do to enter Jannah and what good deeds should I do.
Q: When I think about the Day of Judgment I get very scared. Can you tell me the things I should do to enter Jannah and what good deeds should I do.
Q: Is there any benefits for fasting in the month of Rajab?
Q: We often buy from Sainsbury’s. They give us vouchers. If we spend £20 they wil give us £2 off. Is it permissible to use that voucher?
Q: After praying two rakat of Fard Jumah prayer, should one pray 4 rakat sunnat first then 2 rakat sunnat or 2 rakat sunnat first then 4 rakat sunnat?
Q: Will yellow discharge before haidh be regarded as haidh if it's within the ten day period? Or is it only brown discharge that will be regarded as haidh before bleeding?
Q: If one has made gheebat or slandered someone without their knowledge, is it necessary to tell them about it and seek their forgiveness or can one just ask forgiveness from Allah?
Q: The policies that were paid out to us after my fathers death included interest. We have worked out the interest amounts and discharged it. Will the money from the policies be permissible for us to use? The amounts of the policy includes only the premium amounts now.
Q: Can interest money be used to pay tax (SARS)? What else can interest money be used for, payment of fines?
Q: If a person did not make wassiyat for charity of 1/3 of the estate in his will, and if all the heirs agree that 1/3 of the estate should be given in charity, will that be permissible?
Q: I got into a debate with a person who has quoted from the Quraan about the topic on fornication. She stated that according to her understanding of the verses, a fornicator, even if they have repented cannot marry a pure person and if they do then the nikkah will not be valid. I debated that Allah Ta'ala forgives the sincere repenter so how can they be punished if they go on to marry a virgin etc. Please shed some light, was I right in my reply?