Q: I want to ask you a few questions before I make a decision about marrying a second wife. I am not satisfied with my marriage with my first wife. This is due to a lack of affection and neglect from my first wife. I have had this problem for 5 to 6 years now and I have tried to talk to my wife to resolve how I feel but nothing seems to better my situation, and I have now given up. I still care about my first wife and I still want to provide for her and our 3 children. I want to marry a second wife but I don't want to commit a sin. The UK law does not recognise a second wife. It is actually illegal in the UK to have a second wife, although it is fine to have a mistress. As I am aware that there is an Islamic ruling that I should abide by the law of the country that I reside in.
1. My question is, if I get permission from my first wife, and provided I fulfil both wives rights, will I be commiting a sin to have a second wife in the UK?
2. Does a divorce through the UK civil court break the Islamic nikah? (From my own research I have found that it does not break the Islamic nikah)
3. I have met a person from Morroco who has accepted to be my second wife, but to bring her to UK I have to first divorce my first wife through the UK civil court. Can I do this in order to bring my second wife into the UK? I do not want to break the nikah to my first wife.