Software piracy

Q: My question is about the Software Piracy. I have seen some software/plugins that people have to buy with cash. Though they are paid software, some of the software don't require any serial key/purchase code to use. They can be used only if the user has the software main copy. What if the user don't buy them from a store but get a real copy from the internet. Will using the software be halaal?

Divorce in a civil court

Q: I want to ask you a few questions before I make a decision about marrying a second wife. I am not satisfied with my marriage with my first wife. This is due to a lack of affection and neglect from my first wife. I have had this problem for 5 to 6 years now and I have tried to talk to my wife to resolve how I feel but nothing seems to better my situation, and I have now given up. I still care about my first wife and I still want to provide for her and our 3 children. I want to marry a second wife but I don't want to commit a sin. The UK law does not recognise a second wife. It is actually illegal in the UK to have a second wife, although it is fine to have a mistress. As I am aware that there is an Islamic ruling that I should abide by the law of the country that I reside in.

1. My question is, if I get permission from my first wife, and provided I fulfil both wives rights, will I be commiting a sin to have a second wife in the UK?

2. Does a divorce through the UK civil court break the Islamic nikah? (From my own research I have found that it does not break the Islamic nikah)

3. I have met a person from Morroco who has accepted to be my second wife, but to bring her to UK I have to first divorce my first wife through the UK civil court. Can I do this in order to bring my second wife into the UK? I do not want to break the nikah to my first wife. 

Parents taking child's money when they are in need

Q: My parents had given my brother some pocket money which he had collected and saved till it was 900. Then financial problems came and my parents took my brothers money and used it and my brother could not tell them anything. Now he demands for the money to be returned. My parents say that it was we who gave you the money, so there is no loan upon us. What should be done?

Taking a debt on one's credit card to pay for one's parent's hajj expenses

Q: My husband's parents names were selected for Hajj this year. However, they have a shortfall of a lot of money. One-third of it. My father-in-law also has a credit card with money owing on it. However, he is not concerned about clearing his debt before going. Furthermore, he asked my husband if he can help him with the balance of the money, which my husband said he would take on his credit card. I am not in favour of this decision as it is a lot of money and we actually cannot afford to pay it every month but he is insistent. We have a family of our own and expenses every month, furthermore, my father-in-law has no sense of remorse that he is going to put his son into debt. Is this fair? Is this allowed?

Will hurmat-e-musaaharah be established through sodomy


1. If a son and father commit sodomy with each other, is it permissible for the son's (who committed sodomy with his father) children/grandchildren to marry his brother's/sister's children/grandchildren?

2. (A) committed sodomy with (B). Will (A)'s sister be allowed to marry (B)'s brother? Or Will (A)'s brother be allowed to marry (B)' sister?

3. (A) committed sodomy with (B). Is it permissible for (A) to marry (B)'s own sister/cousin?

4. If someone committed sodomy with his male cousin/male cousin's son. Are their children/grandchildren allowed to marry each other?

5. If someone touched his female cousin or his female cousin's daughter/male cousin's daughter with lust. Are their children/grandchildren allowed to marry each other?