Taking a loan on interest to purchase a car
Q: When we take a car on loan from a bank and we pay extra money which is above the car price, is it permissible?
Q: When we take a car on loan from a bank and we pay extra money which is above the car price, is it permissible?
Q: If my brother died, can I marry his wife?
Q: I got a NRI bank account which is a savings account and every quarterly I receive some interest from the bank. Is it permissible for me to use this interest amount in purchasing car insurance or any other insurance like medical, home insurance, etc.?
Q: I would like to know what is the meaning of the name Zinaliya and if there is such a name?
Q: I am doing istighfaar and observing taqwa and then it comes to my mind that I am doing istighfaar or taqwa so that my worldly things can fulfilled. If even we accept this notion what should we do to make it 100% clean and make the taqwa for Allah. My mind says that I am doing taqwa so that my problems can be resolved.
Q: What are the causes of someone proclaiming that all the Prophets except the Last Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) were "sinners"? What should one do in instances such as these when someone superior to you in a professional setting says such things?
Q: Is the salaah valid if a person makes the intention before salaah in non-arabic, and instead of using the word “Fajr”, he says “morning prayer” or instead of using the word “Maghrib”, he says “evening prayer”?
Q: Must one always have wudhu to read Qur'aan?
Q: If a person has a wet dream and in the surat of taking a ghusul, should your half body be covered, or if you don't have cloth to cover your half body and is it possible to take ghusul in naked condition, please janab let me know.
Q: Does a father have a right over his child born out of wedlock? Are children born out of wedlock attributed to the father in Islam?