Why are men given more opportunities to earn reward?


1. My question is that only males in Islam are promised to get numerous angels/hoors in accordance with the good deeds they do? What about a Muslimah who performs the same deeds? Why aren’t they also promised to get angels?

2. I came across numerous Islamic bayaans by great learned people saying that Allah has promised the best reward for people who do Tab’leegh and the ajar (reward) for a person doing Tab’leegh is incomparable with those who don’t do it..

My question is what about the wives who sit back at the home looking after kids and other family affairs while their husbands are busy doing Tab’leegh? Also the rules for women for doing Tab’leegh don’t allow them frequently to go out in jamaats on contrary to which men can go whenever they want leading to numerous amount of good deeds for them? Why only men are given opportunities to earn a bigger jannah for them?

Women in haidh entering Aqsa courtyard

Q: Can a woman in menstruation (haidh) enter the Masjid al-Aqsa compound? This is a compound surrounded by walls which contains several buildings such as the Dome of the Rock, Masjid al-Qibli, etc. Is the entire compound counted as the masjid (meaning that woman in menstruation can't enter) or is just the buildings counted as masjid and the rest as courtyard (which a woman in menstruation can enter)?