Completing one's salaah at the time of sunrise
Q: If sunrise starts at 6:26 am and I finished my Salatul Fajr at 6:26 am, do I need to offer qadha or not?
When does zawaal time end?
Q: If sunrise starts at 6:26 am and I finished my Salatul Fajr at 6:26 am, do I need to offer qadha or not?
When does zawaal time end?
Q: I wanted to enquire about Credit Card Rewards. I have a credit which is Shari'a Compliant as per clear statement from the bank:
Bank FAQ's
Q. Is the card Shari'a compliant?
A. The Emirates Islamic cashback is fully compliant with the Shari'a principles. The card does not charge any interest to customers. As such, the bank charges a fixed monthly fee for extending various features and benefits to customers.
My question is as per your fatwa before, you said all cashbacks coming from credit cards are haraam?
1. What about this? Is this card cashback still haraam?
2. If it's haraam, please tell me how? Based on your answer I will decide to scrap the card or not.
3. Is there a difference of opinion between the four madhabs?
Q: Who is a faasiq?
If your friends know you do some type of sin, are you considered a faasiq?
Q: The situation is as follows:
A person crashed a car of the owner by hitting a railing. The owners insurance was cancelled. The person drove off as no police report was needed. The owner of the car is saying you can either pay $1000 for the car and keep it or pay for the damages because the person is not able to get it renewed with his insurance. The owner had been paying $200 a month for it for about 4-5 years. The person is buying the car from the owner and taking it to another city. In the other city he will get the car safetied in its current condition and get insurance on it. He will then claim the car so that insurance can pay for the damage to fix the car. All the while he will be paying $150-200 for the car monthly in insurance. Is this correct for someone to do or is it haraam for someone to do that? One other point is he can pay insurance the full yearly amount upfront which is around $2400, and he may get 2-3 grand back for the car which they may treat as a write off.
Q: I am reciting istighfaar and observing taqwah to get rid of my world problems like financial and other. Is this niyyat ok when reciting istighfaar and observing taqwah for these problems?
Q: I was in a nikaah for 2 years but no rukhsati had taken place and I hadn't touched my husband. I took khula from him and my iddah has ended. I want to remarry the person again, is it permissible?
Q: I am in love with a non-Muslim. We both want to marry each other. I know that nikah is the only way out. But I want to know if it is halaal for her to accept Islam for me.
Q: My question is about online options trading. In this we trade between currencies. It is like tearing currency for 1, 5 or 15 minutes. So if the value of the currency goes up in that time frame (which we can predict by doing some calculations and indicators) and if the currency goes down we lose money. It is between two currencies like we trade Euro for USD. We buy USD by paying in Euros and when it is expected to go up in value or USD/EURO. The money transaction is instant and simultaneous. So, if we make a prediction the money is deducted from our account instantly and if we predict rightly we get profit. Mostly we get profit. Can you please guide me is it Halal or Haram?
Q: An old lady died. Before her death she said that all her gold ornaments should be given to a mosque. She has one elder and one younger brother. She used to take care of them. Now her brother and sister is financially suffering. The sister is a widow and 85 years old with no child and the brother is 70 years old with 3 daughters. Can her brother and sister take some amount of the jewellery for their living and medical expenses. How much can they take?
Q: Could you please inform me about the minimum rakaats of Tahajjud namaz and can I perform it about 20 minutes before fajr azaan?