Carrying out Faatiha Khwani for the deceased
Q: Can you please elaborate on the perfect method of Faatiha Khwani. What's the ruling of 3 days Faatiha Khwani and what's the method of doing Faatiha Khwani when someone dies?
Q: Can you please elaborate on the perfect method of Faatiha Khwani. What's the ruling of 3 days Faatiha Khwani and what's the method of doing Faatiha Khwani when someone dies?
Q: Can I give sadaqah to one of my poor sisters. I have one married sister, she is a heart patient and needs to get medicines every month. Her husband is alive and works but the financial situation is very bad. Her one son is in boarding school and they often find it hard to deposit fees for him.
I decided to give 10% of my earning every month as sadaqah to them, is it permissible?
Q: A person has a urine problem, where if he goes to the toilet, for the next 30-45 minutes he cannot read salaah due to urine drops. If the time of salaah is about to end and the condition persists, does he have to make Wudu and perform salaah, or let the salaah become qadhaa and perform it after the time has expired. (The person is not a ma'zoor as the condition did not last for an entire salaah time)
Q: Is it permissible for a sister to pay zakaat to her brother who is 25 years old, not working and not married but living with his mom and dad. However, the father is very strict and does take care of his basic needs like food and shelter?
Q: My father bought an agricultural land almost 19 years ago, measuring 110 acres. My father is an advocate by profession and at the time of purchasing the land, my father had some money earned by himself and took some money in the shape of a loan from the bank and bought the land. I have heard that taking a loan is completely haraam, so is the land haraam for us? How do we make it halaal?
Q: Could you please tell us about Ibnu Abil Izz Hanafi and the commentary (sharh) of the Aqeedah Tahaawiyyah that is attributed to him? Is it a reliable commentary?
Q: A father asks his son to vote for a particular candidate in electionbut he doesn't obey his father and supports someone else. Now the father gets angry with his son and abuses him on several occasions. This person (the son) leads prayers in the local mosque but his father doesn't follow him in congregation. The question is that what should the other people do? Should they follow him or not?
Q: Should Ulama attend and perform the janaazah of a person who committed suicide?
Q: I work for an engineering consulting firm. Our fees are mainly derived from consulting services for clients.
The firm is owned in a trust with the employees being the shareholders. The employees are allocated ‘shares’ based on their length of service and seniority in the firm. The employees do not buy any shares when entering into the firm, and neither do they sell any shares when leaving. Rather, the shares are merely allocated to them for the duration of their employment.
Every six months, a portion of surplus cash is allocated as profit and distributed amongst the employees according to their allocation of shares. The amount will be dependant on the performance of the company and the cash balance available at the time of allocation. No other bonus/13th cheque is paid. This profit share is over and above the regular salary that each employee receives.
Is this type of employment contract permissible?
Q: I own a gym and I am also a qualified fitness trainer. I have kept my facility segregated i.e. I have different timings for ladies and gents. However, people frequently ask me why I have kept it segregated. What should I tell them?
Also, I have a question regarding training my clients. Someone contacted me and requested me to provide training services in their home for their elderly parents as his parents are very sick and old and can't come to my gym. What is the ruling regarding training the opposite gender? Is there a separate ruling for women who are elderly? Is there a separate ruling if the husband of the old woman is present or not?