Difference of opinion that opposes the Quraan and Hadith

Q: It's very important to avoid fitna.

When there is an isolated opinion which contradicts the general opinion, can we say that there is a difference of opinion/divergence?

Example, Pharaoh died a disbeliever. If there is a scholar who emits the possibility that he did not die as a disbeliever, is it possible to invoke the expression difference of opinion/divergence?

In the case of Abu Talib, he died a disbeliever. If there is a person who invokes the possibility that he was saved, that his repentance was accepted, is it permissible to say that there is a difference of opinion/divergence?

Should the book of a scholar be brought to the general mass, he has the right to write this in his personal capacity for his own reflection, but is it right to attribute to him a difference of opinion/divergence?

Could he have done this for people of the same caliber as him, that is, a book addressed to other scholars and not to the general mass of ignorant people? For a person who is not scholar who does not even have the basics a student is allowed to quote his isolated opinions and to invoke a difference of opinion/divergence, my question is can you give us a detailed clarification on this on the rules business and not to do?

Objection against Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) marrying Hazrat Zainab (radhiyallahu anha)

Q: In Surah 33, verse 38 it is stated that when Zaid (radhiyallahu anhu) dissolved his marriage with Zainab (radhiyallahu anha) then Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) married the divorced wife of Zaid (radhiyallahu anhu). Zaid (radhiyallahu anhu) was the foster son of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

In your fatwa you stated that it is not permissible for a man to marry his sisters, maternal and paternal aunts, nieces, foster mothers, foster sisters, and daughters-in-law from his blood sons or foster sons. Please let me know if the Quran is correct or if your fatwa is correct.

Number of rakaats in Taraweeh salaah

Q: I would like to enquire whether reading 20 rakaats of taraweeh is sunnah... I have recently heard someone say that Nabi صلا الله عليه وسلم read 8 rakaats in the musjid and 12 rakaats at home. Is this true?

Also, this person has said that the number of rakaats of taraweeh was not fixed and at one time in Makkah 30 rakaats were read. Could Mufti Saheb please clarify and include some ahaadith that I could use as proof.

Students performing jamaat salaah in a hostel

Q: We are hostellers, 3 friends (age 20-22) in one room and we have kept a separate place on the balcony of our room for jammat namaz where 4- 6 people (or more) can easily adjust without any problem. I heard a hadith that one who does not offer jammat salaah if he/she can, when he/she will be inside grave, his/her face will be moved away from the qiblah.

I told my friends about the hadith and one of my friends asked me who will be the imaan from amongst us since we all make mistakes. If anyone of us will be an imaam and if he makes a mistake, he will get the sin of the muqtadi's (people standing behind the imaam) also.

My point of view is that no one is perfect but we can try. If with full attention, concentration, seriousness, students like us would like to lead the jamaat of other students (even after knowing that we are not perfect), would it be wrong? 

Zakaat on a property purchased

Q: I purchased a house five years back using our company's house loan policy. After five years the company offered us to take the top-up on the loan based on the current market value of the house. Now with that top up money I purchased another plot.

My question is; do I need to pay zakaat on the land I had purchased? If yes then what is the method, should I take the current market value of the plot for calculating zakaat or should I take the amount I paid as an installment against the top up?