
Q: I am a mother of 3 children, aged 5 years, 4 years, and the youngest is 6 months. I am 6 weeks pregnant now. My husband is working abroad and normally comes every 3 months. As my kids are small, its hard for me to manage and I am also feeling weak. I want to go for abortion. What is the ruling? Is it allowed to go for abortion considering the above facts?

Dying one's hair maroon

Q: A young girl about to be married has an intention to colour her hair with a maroon color for example and her main intention is to look pretty or look attractive only for her husband, will this be allowed? What’s the Islamic stance on the usage of Mehndi and dyes?

Going to an Aamil to take out nazar

Q: Recently my friend took her 2 year old daughter to a Moulana and he apparently checks for nazr. So he makes the child put her finger on a device like a screw driver and the mother must say her name and then the childs name and then if the sandal turns the child has nazr.

So the child apparently had nazr and the Moulana read something and blew, etc. He asked them to give him her outfit that she was wearing so he could check something and he said later on that she has something called a "bad wind" on her and he was going to try to take out the bad wind.

He also gave them 7 small pieces of paper with something written on it an they were instructed to take the paper around her 7 times at maghrib an then burn the paper. He also gave them a paper with something written on it and told them that they must put it in water and make the child drink from the water.

My question is, is it more advisable for the parents themselves to read aayaat an duas from the Holy Quraan on the child for protection from nazr etc. or is it better to seek the help of such Moulanas? 

Comparing one's husband to one's brother

Q: If a woman says to her husband "did you take your phone with you to the shower?" And the husband says "no why would I" then the wife says "my brother takes it" and the husband says "I'm not crazy like your brother". After the wife says my brother takes it she gets a little scared as she read online that comparing your husband eith your brother affects the nikah. She now is doubting if she was calling her husband brother or had any such intentions as she got scared and felt she had. She wasn't comparing she was just saying how a trait may have been similar. Has the nikah been affected? Does comparing your spouse to your brother affect the nikah.